View Full Version : Sideeffects 2 anxiety panic attack meds

mr v 1985
08-05-2009, 09:45 AM
just wanted to know if theres any side effects to anxiety panic attack medacation i have an oppointment to see a doctor friday and i just wanted to know something on the meds he may priscribe me

like what will i feel like when im on them what are the sideeffects and are there dangerous withdrawals

08-05-2009, 07:32 PM
When it comes to anxiety medications, there are two basic types - antidepressants and benzodiazepines (tranquilizers). Both are quite different from one another, and have completely different side effects. Side effects of antidepressants can include 'brain fog', feelings of unreality, drowsiness, sleeplessness, loss of sexual desire, weight gain, nausea, increased anxiety/depression, and other mood changes (ie increased aggression, suicidal behavior, etc). Also, contrary to what your doctor says, withdrawal from antidepressants can be quite serious for some people (although there is unfortunately no way of knowing where you will fall until you try withdrawing). Finally, keep in mind that your doctor WILL try to downplay the side effects of antidepressants. All of these side effects are MUCH more common than your doctor will lead you to believe.

Benzodiazepines tend to have fewer side effects than antidepressants, which is why some people prefer them. Side effects from benzodiazepines include drowsiness and 'brain fog'. But they are generally free of the kinds of scary side effects antidepressants can cause. Also, dependence and withdrawal can be an issue with benzodiazepines.

Honestly, I don't feel that you should go straight to meds if you have not tried anything else to treat your anxiety. Self-help CBT can do wonders. And therapy can be helpful, provided you find a good therapist to work with (this can be hard). Treating anxiety disorder by psychological means is the best way to go in the long run, while medication will NEVER truly cure you (and can cause the above problems). Consider all this carefully before jumping head first into the 'wonderful world' of medication.

08-05-2009, 08:11 PM
Give 10 people the same medication and you will have 10 different side effects. It is impossible to know how your body will react.

Just remember that it is much easier to get on meds than it is to get off of them.

08-06-2009, 04:13 PM
Give 10 people the same medication and you will have 10 different side effects. It is impossible to know how your body will react.

Just remember that it is much easier to get on meds than it is to get off of them.

Actually, I would not say that you will have 10 different side effects from 10 differnet people. Chances are, most people taking these meds will experience more than one side effect. Rather, it would be more accurate to say that you will have 10 different 'side effect profiles'.

As for meds being easier to get on than get off, this actually sums things up pretty well. I could also add that, if you take meds, chances are they will fall FAR short of what is promised. Even if they help somewhat by alleviating certain anxiety symptoms, they will almost certainly NOT make you yourself again. And they may end up blocking a recovery that might have just happened on its own had you taken nothing.