View Full Version : Trying to live Harmoniously

08-03-2009, 08:02 PM
I used to have panic attacks, and the are the WORST. There is nothing worse than feeling like you are out of control or dying and not being able to do anything about it.
Lately, though, I have been realizing that there is no reason to think you are in control or to worry about it, becuase we are not. In fact it is an illusion of the mind that creates anxiety in the first place, because it believes it should be in control of each situation. Our overbearing minds actually create much suffering in this world (dominating with wealth,violence,prejudice etc). It is really not the nature of the universe for anything to be in control, though. If you notice how it works, or even just how nature works, everything has its place and it is integral to the whole, and nothing is more dominant than the other. Everything just moves together with inherent intelligence. Humans do not know how to let go and live harmoniously with this nature, and so we cause division and suffering.
I found a book online at thetruthcontest dot com called "the present" that helped me out with the realization that i am not in control

I also really like TOlle books.