View Full Version : Irrational fear of irrational things

08-03-2009, 03:42 PM
Ok so one of my old topics to get anxious about suddenly resurfaced with my girlfriend. It's certainly a bizarre fear, but its quite powerful nonetheless. A long time ago I had a full 6 months of being scared shitless of running out of things to talk about with my friends. Sounds ridiculous and it is:D Anyways I recently got the same fear, that had been absent for so long, with my girlfriend. We normally talk like crazy. One day she was in a bad mood and didnt feel like talking a whole lot. Suddenly I was gripped by the fear that maybe we have just run out of stuff to talk about, and this is really annoying because as long as I have something to talk about I'm never bored.

I was just wondering whether anyone here has the same fear? The fear causes me to have problems in conversations because I constantly think about it and thinking about it creates sort of a conversational void in my head