View Full Version : weird buzzing in leg.

08-02-2009, 03:57 PM
for the past few weeks ive had this really weird feeling in my lower thigh. it almost feels like there is a very subtle vibrating (like a cellphone buzz through really thick pants). if i touch the spot, there is no actual feeling of buzzing. like i cant feel this like you can feel a muscle twitching. i dont know what this is, and it makes me think i have MS or something....


08-04-2009, 04:42 AM
Seems like you have been suffering from this for a while.

Did you try Magnesium?

08-06-2009, 07:58 PM
I think it is anxiety related. I had carpal tunnel once and I was freaking out that it was something serious because I had this tingling and numbness in both hands plus this weird feeling in my legs like ants were crawling up them. The MD said that I definitely had carpal tunnel and that I probably was so nervous about it and scared of going to the doctor that I began to hyperventilate without knowing it and that hyperventilating can cause tingling in your body. This is how he explained the weird tingling I was having in my legs. I think he was right because as soon as I knew it was "just carpal tunnel" and began treating that and it improved, the weird leg tingling went away. I hope this helps.

08-13-2009, 04:43 PM
Ive had this and it started with like a buzzing feeling in my leg, sometimes i would think my mobile phone or something was in my back pocket and i would check and it wasnt. This is just a muscle spasm which i 100% believe is anxiety related. A few months later i got spasms all over at least 20 - 30 times a day and i just got used to it. Now i hardly get it. So if i was you.... dont worry about it as its nothing to worry about.