View Full Version : I have an idea to raise awareness .. need feedback ! :)

08-02-2009, 06:24 AM
I've been struggling with anxiety since i can remember and the scariest part of the whole thing was having no idea what was wrong with me! my parents had never even heard of an anxiety disorder and my friends had no clue what was going on with me. I would honestly do anything to prevent another kid or anyone from going through that. So i've been tryna think of ways that i could get the word out to kids that are going through what i went through. I want them to know that they aren't going crazy you can live with this and it will get better it just takes time! so anyway i'm still brain storming ideas here but i'm thinking of making a website to sell different types of jewlery and like keychains. just little things that will make people be like "oh whats that for?" of course i know its just a start. and i know that it might even be hard for people with anxiety disorders to wear something like that because I know at one point if I heard the word "panic" I would flip out so wearing a constant reminder probably wouldn't have worked out so well. So in other words I need some feedback here. Does this sound like a good plan or should I keep thinking.. ? let me know your thoughts. :)

08-02-2009, 09:18 AM
I know so many little people know about anxiety ans at irst because to know I had it when my co worker called sick because she had a panic attack I was thinking that a panic attack was something you said when you are a little to busy or over the edge and you don' t get to do everything you must do... Untill I got my first one and then my idea totally changed...
It's true that when i said to people that I have panic attacks they looked at me like I' m crazy or just said what is it.
Have a great day and keep us inform of what you are deciding to do