View Full Version : Trembling hands

07-31-2009, 06:04 PM
Hello, this is my first time on this forum and I wanted to ask a question.

I have noticed that my hands starts to tremble sometimes when I have to make or do something with my hands. It only happens when people are watching me, when I am on my own I feel allright.

Does anyone else have this problem?

08-05-2009, 09:29 PM
Mine do that too, mostly after yard work or using my hands. It doesn't matter if someone is watching or not. It always goes away but is still very scary to see my hands tremble like that.

08-06-2009, 09:05 PM
Mine only do if i havent eaten much, regardless of someone watching, or if i've had too much caffine and im trying to do something like tweeze someones eyebrows

08-07-2009, 09:57 AM
I don't know if diet has anything to do with it. But for me when someone is watching me doing something with my hands, any precision work, it seems to make me nervous sometimes. Am I being too self concious?

08-07-2009, 11:41 AM
Hi eswnl,

Since you say it makes you nervous when people watch you do anything with your hands (such as precision work), and that this causes your hands to tremble, then yes, you are being a little too self conscious of what others think of you.

But try not to beat yourself up over it, it's just another common characteristic (overly caring what others think of us) of people who have this disorder.

08-08-2009, 09:45 PM
My hands shake all the time it seems like. My left hand (non-dominant hand) is the worst. I have noticed that they shake more when I am trying to do something with my hands. It is really annoying. :(

08-12-2009, 09:06 AM
This is a tricky one tro work out for sure to say that you only do it when someone looks at your hands.

Ok well if there was something wrong with your nerves it would happen at any time so you can rule that out. Maybe you just get nervous when people look at your hands.

When did this occur? Do you have any other symtoms? tingling in hands etc.

08-14-2009, 04:55 PM
This is a tricky one tro work out for sure to say that you only do it when someone looks at your hands.

Ok well if there was something wrong with your nerves it would happen at any time so you can rule that out. Maybe you just get nervous when people look at your hands.

When did this occur? Do you have any other symtoms? tingling in hands etc.

I rarely mix with other people(my personality is introverted) so its a matter of not being used to doing things around other people. That could be one reason.
Another reason might be my bottled up anxiety(over certain stuff) which has happened over many months. That has made me feel a little bit insecure around other people. Everytime I think about feeling nervous - it happens.

09-10-2009, 12:12 PM
I think my anxiety is caused by not being able to talk about my problems, so it just bottles up inside of me.