View Full Version : Think Im Having A Panick Attack, Please Help!!!

07-31-2009, 04:48 AM
Well I was just lieing in bed watching tv and on my phone browsing when all of a sudden my heart started beating fast, I think I did it to myself, I took some deep breathes and I was fine and then 2 minutes later it came back. My heart was pounding, racing thoughts are still going through my head now, am I having a heart attack, I keep panicking and thinking of the worst. I just took a 0.5 mg Ativan and it helped calm me down. I just checked my heart rate and its 108 and its slowed down, please help!!!

07-31-2009, 04:52 AM
I was having some minor muscle spasms before it happened, I think I was tensed up and I got amild fever now too!!!

07-31-2009, 05:11 AM
5 views and no one can help?

07-31-2009, 06:08 AM
There is no real away around it, all you can do is let it happen :(
Best thing to do is ignore it as much as possible and let it pass.

The interesting thing is that you are having muscle spasms which indicates a Magnesium defieciency. Try getting some Magnesium and see how you go on, it normally takes a few weeks to kick in. Dont buy the cheap stuff its not very good, get a high grade Magnesium.

There are some good videos on youtube that explain how Magnesium works. It is thought that most Anxiety sufferes are Magnesium deficent.

On a comforting note, since i stopped having all forms or caffine and suger i very rarley have panic attacks these days :) Maybe you can give it a try.

07-31-2009, 07:14 AM
Thanks for the reply man, I appreciate it. My heart rates gone down to around 90 BPM and I'm feeling calm and tired aswell, its 6:11am here and I havnt slept yet, I'm 2 scared to lol. Thanks though man ill look inot magnesium. I was thinking about going to a Naturopath to see what I'm in need of because my uncle got blood tests done by them now and w.e they need to do and now he's on some natural stuff they gave him and he's doing pretty good!!!

08-06-2009, 12:51 AM
Some docs do blame anxiety for everything and we should insist on being checked out and on our doc taking us seriously.Its best to relax and to breathe deep and slow,the zoloft may well make things worse at first. There are probably people doing research on this who might be able to follow more hormone levels more accurately as they happen, so keep digging for those kind of research projects that focus on cortisol levels.