View Full Version : derealization

02-20-2006, 08:18 AM
i know that derealization is a common symptom of anxiety but i was reading about it and it said anxiety is a symptom of derealization so i dont know which i have becuase even when im not having an anxiety attack i still feel the sense of unreality even when i fully relaxed so im not sure? any input would be great!

02-20-2006, 01:50 PM
hey man you also have to remember youquit doin drugs alittle while back so your senses r all messed up right now i know most of my derealization has gone done dramtically since i'ce completely gotten over the drugs i defentily think in probably has sumthin to do with that and it sounds like your gettin anxiety from your anxiety from it to ivwould tend to think its just anxiety but thats me good luck and how the meds workin so far?

02-20-2006, 08:39 PM
Hey, Caseman - I agree with Leftie. Even when we're feeling calm, our bodies and minds have taken a great toll from the anxiety. It's sorta like going in and out of shock, so we have this weird sense of things seeming a bit odd.

Try to tell yourself when you're feeling derealization that it's normal because of the anxiety. I think if you had one month of no anxiety at all, then you wouldn't experience derealization. In a way we are constantly exhausted. You hear of muscians or other celebs going into the hospital for exhaustion, we have that plus anxiety, but no fame, or wealth :( !

ttyl (ticklish toes yards long) hehehe!


02-21-2006, 10:15 AM
hey guys thanx for the replys, you guys always make me feel better :D i think sometimes i just second guess that i have anxiety and i end up trying to find something else wrong with me. im doing better just trying to accept the fact that its anxiety and not nething else. i also kind of answered my own question by reading up on the internet and one website said that derealization cant exist without anxiety. for awhile it was getting alot better but saturday it started getting bad again and last night it was pretty horrible but i think i just go through like 4 day things of having anxiety and then it kinda lessens for like a few weeks...does that happen to u guys? and Leftie, i havnt started takin the meds yet cuz i get myself so worked up about them and go and read all the side effects like u do lol, im sorry to hear ur having such a horrible time with them and i hope u find something that works....try prozac(fluexotine) thats wat i was prescribes and from everyone that i have talked to that is on it they say they have no side effects...and i took it for awhile in 10th grade and i had no side effects either it def helped me... i was able to make it through 4 months of wrestling. and i read that after you stop taking it, it stays in ur system for 9 months and i think that is why i had no anxiety junior year. i think im gonna try and take it tonight or tommorow cuz im pretty damn sick of staying home with anxiety take care ttyl - Casey

02-21-2006, 10:38 AM
Hey Caseman - Maybe if you take the med at night the side effects, if you do have any, will be less cause you're sleeping. Maybe workout some today so that you'll be tired and sleep well; and if you have any benzos, that could help with the anxiety about taking it.

I take my Paxil at night cause it makes me drowsy, 60mgs :yawn: .

Let us know how it goes.

Sending you calming thoughts,


02-21-2006, 02:35 PM
hey case yea my med thing is stupid its ust one med afta another i really think i'm gonna just try without them see if i can will myself through with the help of therapy but good luck with yours i really hope it works for you i know reading all theside effects suck i do it everytime lol actually thats where all my anxiety has ever come from is reading things about first from the pot how it could make you schizo and how back in the early days they thought pot made you mad and started killing me so naturally i have problems with these things now of course and every side effect from all the pills its crazy but neways i know all my derealization has pretty much subsided for now but i just pretty much try and not let it get to me but good luck man keep me posted