View Full Version : Natural Remedies

07-29-2009, 12:19 PM
fvlmdslvmdsmvdsm90sd09jweojdcoisemclsmcsdlmc sdlm c

08-01-2009, 12:34 PM
Have you tried taking a good quality naturally sourced multi vitamin?
Anxiety is a known side effect of a deficiency of B vitamins. These Vitamins are used to release energy from food, but also they play a large role in brain chemistry and they are used up at an alarming rate when you are under stress.

So, a good high dose B complex would be a start.. (if you can try to get one that has 100mg of B3 & B6) I take the Solgar V2000s, these are a great all round multivitamin with high doses of B vitamins. If you cannot get Solgar, be sure to buy your vitamins in the health food shop and not the pharmacy or supermarket. Ask the person in the health food shop for the brand that is naturally sourced (some synthetic vitamins actually do more harm than good) Take these with food and in the morning, as vitamins give energy.

Minerals are calming, so getting some extra magnesium is very beneificial. Seeds and dark green leafy vegetables are the best source, but you could get a calcium & magnesium supplement if you wanted a little more. Take these in the evening with food, it helps you sleep better too.

And get some vitamin C, you want to get about 2g per day, get the cheapest ones in the health food shop, as you need so much!! Try to get one that has citrus bioflavinoids in it, as this is the rest of the vitamin C complex.

There is no need to worry about overdose on vitamins B & C. They are water soluble so they will be excreted if your body doesnt use them. Your urine will turn bright yellow, this is from the Riboflavin (B2) and is nothing to worry about.

Might be worth getting yourself some Essential Fatty Acids too, most of us get plenty of Ohmega 6 from seed oils, but the amount of ohmega 6 you get needs to be in balance with the amount of ohmega 3 we get. Unless your digestive system is in really good shape, the only realistic source of ohmega 3 is from oily fish. If you dont want to eat it, a supplement is a good substitute. But oily fish is good stuff, so if you would eat it, get it a couple of times a week.

The best part is, noone can hold taking multivitamins and eating more healthily against you at work. And it works. I came of Effexor and went on the Solgar V2000s, with extra Vitamin E(protects your hormones), B6, Vitamin C, Calcium, Magnesium & Boron, And Ohmega 3. And it has worked much better and for much longer than the effexor did.

The best of luck to you, and if you have any questions just ask :)

Love & Light

08-03-2009, 02:40 AM
Try SleepWell

08-04-2009, 10:35 PM