View Full Version : Weird situation then constant anxiety...

07-29-2009, 09:59 AM
For about 2 weeks I was really scared because I had developed something like a cyst or pimple in the female area. I was so scared it could be an STD or cancer. I continually checked the area and, of course, developed more symptoms just from messing with it. I went into the doctor who diagnosed it as a sebaceous cyst (a pimple!) Definitely not an STD, she said.

I was relieved, so relieved at my new "lease on life" that I went out with a friend and cut loose. I got too drunk. So drunk my friend called a cab for me because I couldn't walk. I remember getting in to the cab, I don't remember getting home. My friend says I called her twice after I got in the cab. Once when she was riding her bike home and then again when she was home. The second call she picked up and I told her I was home and apologized for being so drunk and was really scared I had gotten so drunk.

I am really scared because I don't remember getting home. I asked if I was really drunk at the party and had embarrassed myself and she said I was great at the party. Really friendly and telling jokes and as we were leaving someone came out and thanked us for coming and said I was the life of the party. She didn't realize I was that drunk until we tried to leave.

My friend said I was in constant contact, pretty much, until I got home. I woke up at home. But in a weird position, like half off my bed. Like I had been sitting then fell back.

I was scared that maybe I had been drugged but my friend said she knew the people at the party and it was definitely not a sketchy situation. She also said that I was pretty mentally present when I got in the cab I just couldn't walk. My bike was where I normally leave it.

I was also scared because the next evening I developed a bad rash "down there", however I have been messing with the area and I recently started using soap and it has been crazy hot here. But I was scared that I had had sex with someone, couldn't remember it and got a rash from it. It looks silly as I type it.

Does anyone have any insight on this? Has anyone had a similar experience? I am so scared that something bad happened, like that I had sex or something but I think that is just my mind working over-time on all the "what-ifs". Please if anyone has something to say about this...

Also I don't have an alcohol problem I was just so excited to be healthy that I went overboard. Thank you, everyone.