View Full Version : when to know if symptoms are anxiety or something underlying

07-29-2009, 04:05 AM
im at a weird point where im trying to talk myself out of anxiety. not so much talk myself out, but really just assure myself that my symptoms are anxiety, and not things like brain tumors, testicular cancer, strokes, or MS. these are things i think about probably 80% of my day, and and always convinced i have at LEAST one of them.

so, its been four years now, and ive thought ive had a brain tumor this whole time, and its controlling all of my problems (twitches, weird head pressure, buzzing feelings in legs, mood swings, ect). ive gotten to a point where i have symptoms without panic attacks (no fast heart rate, no actual panic, but the symptoms remain in full. i can causally be having a conversation, even laughing, and secretly be in agony over thinking death is near.

so my question is, how can i be having symptoms almost 80% of my day with no actual "panic"? couldnt these be caused by a serious medical issue, and im jut told it was anxiety? ive gotten massive bloodwork and numerous checkups (no imaging yet) i just dont understand how anxiety can be so physcial.

07-29-2009, 06:54 AM
Yes you can have all these symtoms without a panic attack. I very very rarely have panic attacks since i cut out suger and Caffine.

Hang in there and focus more on looking after yourself than your problem on Anxiety.

07-29-2009, 08:14 AM
Hi there,

I am 35 years old and have had panic attacks for the last 10 years, and even before that, but without realising what it was. Mine started also with concerns for various terminal illness such as cancer, aids, ms, etc. but now i am mainly focused on the heart related problems. I also used to feel (and still sometimes do) i am going to die soon and have all these horrible thoughts. What you need to realise is that if you have visited your physicians and nothing was found why question this? To take it a step further have you ever wondered that if it was actualy tumor you would have been dead by now? My uncle was diognsed with brain tumor and he died 2 years after that, but even, the symptoms where severe during these 2 years. So forget about it and realise that it is only you torturing yourself. I strongly suggest that you go to a specialist and (not a GP) but a psychiatrist or psychologist and try to work it out. For sure you need support and i do not mean medication but probably psychotherapy. I have been doing this for the last 3,5 years and i can assure you it is the best investment i did for myself up to now.

Trust me there is nothing wrong with. Bear in mind that there are million of people like you and me.

07-31-2009, 03:39 AM
its terrible. i dont understand how anxiety can be SO physical. and for so many years. :(

08-04-2009, 07:18 PM
I know what you mean, I have severe mood swings and pain like I'm being electrocuted. I have convinced myself that it is not MS or cancer and that it is just anxiety.