View Full Version : How should a normal human feel?

07-28-2009, 11:11 PM
When someone asks you how you feel, and you say normal or fine, what if they dont know how THAT feels? feeling NORMAL or FINE would mean NOT feeling nauseous right? Because only OURSELVES know how we REALLY feel. Like, I feel insecure about asking this question, like, how does your arm feel? or your leg? Its there, with NO pain, so it just feels there. And, if you dont think about your arms or legs or other body parts, then you dont feel them, right?

07-30-2009, 03:55 PM
Right avexhype. Saying "I feel fine." Means, I feel alright. It means "I don't feel nauseas." And right you are, only ourselves know how we truly feel. For the most part, people say "I feel fine" just to be socially gracious. It's a polite way to respond. With our society being so busy, most of us don't really want to know how that other person is feeling, we're just being polite. Asking "How are you?" It's just another way of saying, "Yo! S'up?" They don't usually want to hear how you're truly feeling. Did I answer your question? I'm not sure exactly what you were wanting to know.

Guessing by your subject title, perhaps you wanted to know how a normal human should feel. To answer that, we should feel alive. We should feel aware of our surroundings. Whether we're blind or deaf, it makes no difference, we should feel our environment. Now, how we respond to those feelings, well....that's a whole other subject! ;)