View Full Version : hello everyone

07-28-2009, 05:23 AM

ive just found this forum and im hoping it will be a big help. Ive been suffering from anxiety for the past few months and its really starting to get on top of me. I suffered from it afew years ago whilst on the pill but have been fine since i came off it, but something has triggered it again :(

its great to find a place where people understand what im feeling.


07-29-2009, 01:11 PM
Hi kattchi,

It's unfortunate that your anxiety has returned but in a way, we can turn this into a good thing. I say this because the last time you were suffering, it seemed to have gone away on it's own. And that's great. But it's best not to wait for circumstances to change in order for our anxiety to leave us, otherwise, when life changes yet again, we'll be facing our anxiety once again, and we'll be wanting desperately to escape it. So! It's back! Okay, this is okay. It's awful and it's unwanted and it's unbearable, but it won't damage you. It's not going to harm you. It's only anxiety, it's just a fearful feeling of your feelings. Nothing more. CBT (known as cognitive behavioural therapy) can make a tremendous difference regarding how you react to your fearful thoughts. It can help turn down those warning bells and give you some peace of mind.

If you're not one to opt for therapy or meds, there's a lot out here on this forum that could help you. Plus there are a lot of books about anxiety, depression and panic disorder that you can read. They can teach you how to better cope with your disorder. Hope this helps. You're not alone, we all understand how you feel.