View Full Version : Help!! Do I have an anxiety problem??

07-25-2009, 10:33 AM
Hi I think I have been suffering from anxiety since I was about 12, im 24 now, but i've never had it confirmed. I hope someone on here can shed some light onto what my problem is. My symptoms are:

Feeling tense/nervous/on edge pretty much all the time
I feel very uncomfortable talking to people (sometimes even people I know fairly well)
I hate been in public places i.e shops ( I feel as though everyone is watching my every move)
I constantly worry/imagine that bad things are going to happen to my freinds and family
Im scared to stand up for myself
Im scared of trying new things as i'm convinced it will go wrong
Im constantly worrying that i've offended people in general conversation
I get irritated very easily
I have a very negative outlook on life in general

Physical symptoms:

Pounding Heart
Heavy Breathing
Wretching (When i'm at my worst)
Sleep problems

I've now got to the stage where I feel this is taking over my life, does this sound like an anxiety problem? And if so what sort of anxiety?

07-25-2009, 11:08 PM
Hello, yes it sounds like you have a bit of social anxiety and probley a touch of agrophobia, also sounds like you are very self consious..
I'd first go to a gp and get a refueral, and take it from there.
Just remain positive and drink heaps of water, get a hobbie eg (sport, clubbing), somthing that involves you with others, somthing social.
Best of luck add this [email protected] if you would like to talk more..
Cheers mate

07-26-2009, 08:28 PM
Hi ukguy,

Welcome! Yes, your symptoms appear to be that of an anxiety sufferer. They're all typical symptoms. But as louisrapisarda mentioned, you should make an appointment with your doctor. I realize that you're extremely uncomfortable talking with people, I'm sure talking with a doctor frightens the pants off of you - - but you can do it! You will get through the appointment unscathed! I promise! Explain your symptoms to your doctor and then wait to hear what they have to say from there. If your doctor immediately wants to prescribe medication and you feel uncomfortable taking it, you do not have to. There are many ways of overcoming this disorder. Try not to feel that everything is hopeless. You can get better!

Continue browsing around on the forum and you're sure to find heaps of helpful advice and ideas to help ease and comfort your mind.

07-27-2009, 01:59 PM
Hello! :)
Although you are describing symptoms of anxiety, you don't need to worry. This disorder is very common and very treatable under the care of a good therapist. You'll be amazed how much "talking therapy" will help you pinpoint how and why you get anxious and how new, learned ways of dealing with your condition. Best of luck!

07-27-2009, 02:28 PM
Thanks everyone, i've made an appointment to see my doctor, so i'l see what they say

07-27-2009, 11:59 PM
Good luck with your appointment with the doctor, i hope that you can get it cured once and for all so that it wont affect you ever again.

07-29-2009, 12:52 PM
I've seen my GP, he has refered me to a support group. Has anyone been to one of these? Was it useful?

10-01-2010, 09:18 PM
Wow! Great post. I was really lookng for this kind of post. Im interested finding more posts about this topic. Anyone here can suggest where should I go? Thanks a lot.
Sherlock Evans