View Full Version : Reducing Excessive anxiety

Teacher Trouble
07-23-2009, 02:37 AM
Hi guys,

I have just been diagnoised with GAD and have been researching some non-medication base self help strategy.

I have come accross this one technique which I am trying out. Basically I only allow myself 45 minutes, 5-5:45 each day to analyse/ think about the thoughts which are worrying me. After that I tell myself that the rest of the day is going to be worry free which isn't allways easy as you guys know. In doing this I have found my anxiety has increased and was wandering if any one knows how long this increase will last for and if this is an effective strategy in dealing with anxiety???

Any feedback would be great guys,

Keep fighting the battle!

07-23-2009, 03:34 AM
Hello and welcome :)

There are many effective ways to help reduce Anxiety symptoms, however not all work for some people.

First off you need to distract your mind as much as possible which is a hard task for any Anxiety sufferer, but in saying that you have to think about it to some degree to help yourself.

Can you list your symptoms and maybe then i and some others can give you some tips.

Teacher Trouble
07-23-2009, 11:36 PM
Hi agian,

I guess my main fear at the moment is that this (what feels like) excessive amount of anxiety will not decrease and I will be stuck with it for ever.

That's why when it comes to dealing with anxiety I have heard all these different self-help strategies, CBT, Learning to let the ruminating period go, the more you don't respond to spikes the more desensatised the brain will become etc.

Here are a list of my symptoms

Brain feels like it is burining
Anxiety cloud blurs vision when really strong
Tense muscles
find it hard to concentrate
Find it hard to relax,

These are the main symptoms,

Once agin thanks for the reply and I would love some advice guys
