View Full Version : Swine Flu...

07-22-2009, 04:40 PM
I feel sick, got headache and a sore throat?

Is it swine flu, im so worried i have got it and that im gna die please help!!!x

07-22-2009, 08:22 PM
Hello xgemma06x,

A headache and a sore throat? You're fiiiiiine. :) Really. You're okay. You're not going to die. Did you know that most people who get the swine flu don't die? And did you know that most people who get the swine flu don't even know they have it? And that many of those who have gotten it have had such mild symptoms that they recovered in days, without even taking time off work?

How did they know they had it? They went to the docs and got tested for it. That's what's been so surprising about this flu....it hasn't killed everyone it's hit, and it's barely even made people sick for longer than the course of any other flu.

Chances are very good that this is your anxiety troll, sittin' on your shoulder, making taunting suggestions and opininos, trying to get you all wriled up and upset. I know it's very hard to ignore the little monster's insistent remarks, but you're in control. Recognize that it's quite common for people to get a cold during the summer, and that you'll be feeling much, much better in a week or so (if not sooner).

07-22-2009, 10:08 PM
Yeah Swine Flu has been blown out of proportion by the media. I actually got way sick last month for about 1 week, sore throat, fever, headache and the symptoms lingered for about 3 weeks.

I recently talked to my doctor about it and he thinks I actually had swine flu, and to be honest it was no different than any other flu that I have ever had.

Don't let your anxiety tell you that you have swine flu, and don't let it convince you that it's as bad as the media wants you to think it is.

You can always go to the doctor and find out for sure, it can only benifit you :D

07-23-2009, 03:25 AM
My girfriend is Mexican and she told me that in pretty much all cases you will have a very high fever, so im sure your fine :)

07-23-2009, 10:48 PM
Your fine! =)

The media has turned Swine Flu into a massive deal and really its not, its got a death rate of like .1% or something and thats usually only in babies and the elderly. I know a few people that have had it and sure they feel crap for a week but their fine, some people say its no worse than a head cold!