View Full Version : A good day

Weeze Begs
07-21-2009, 03:22 PM
I just wanted to let you all know that yesterday I had a really good day.

I managed to do some housework in the morning, the first in months.
Then I took my son and my parents out for 3 hours to a kids activity centre. Which is a huge thing as I haven't been out my house that long for ages and as the school holidays are here I wanted to make the effort.

And to top it all I slept right through last night, solid 7 hours sleep, drifting off straight away. (very pleased with that too)

Today was a good day today, had a few wobbles, but nothing major and I went out for 2 hours today.

I am not gloating, but I wanted you to know that if you are having a rough time today that maybe your "good day" is just round the corner so keep smiling and stay positive.

07-21-2009, 04:26 PM
Hey!!! That's amazing news! It's wonderful to hear that you made some progress today. Just keep that memory with you - - remembering the good days is what will pull you through.

07-22-2009, 01:17 AM
Well done to you!

That's really good news and a real boost.

Hold that feeling, store it away and keep re-visiting it to boost your confidence.

This will be a real positive for you in the future.

Well done, keep positive and stay strong.


07-22-2009, 02:17 AM
Thats great news, im so glad you had a least a day without it.

Please dont be disheartend if it comes back fully again, it sometimes has a step forward and a step back, when on a road to recovery.

07-22-2009, 08:32 AM
Well that's so great.
I know sometimes i have those great day you need to continue on that path...
You said you been bloated did you knew that anxiety can cause IBS, i used to be so bad and then try a new diet with pro biotic and it's been helping a lot.
Great job and having a good way and way more good days to come your way.

07-23-2009, 03:33 PM
I have good days and bad. My anxiety doesnt always stop me from doing day to day things and i still go to work etc, but i just have numerous physical and emotional symptoms alllllll dayyyy lonnngg! Surfing is the only thing that makes me pretty much anxiety free for the day..stupid huh! x So pleased for you! x