View Full Version : New & need help.

07-19-2009, 06:48 PM
Hi, I'm not even sure where to start, because this whole thing has been so overwhelming to me. The first time I ever had what I believe was a panic attack was when I took some migraine meds and starting feeling very strange. Eventually this feeling led to hypervenitilation, chest pain, feeling like I'm going to die, etc. It did not happen again until a couple weeks ago, when I started feeling extremely nervous during the middle of the night. Since that night I have had two more panic attacks. One 2 days ago and then one today. I feel like no one is taking me seriously about this and they just keep telling me it's normal and I'm fine, but I really don't feel that way.

Should I see a doctor or just try to deal with it?

07-19-2009, 09:48 PM
Truth to be told, you should go and visit the doctor and tell him about your symptom. It may be the side effect of the drugs, so the doctor can prescribe you another drugs that will not cause those symptom :)

07-20-2009, 04:50 AM
You should always see your Doctor to start with, you may find that they dont know much about Anxiety but its nice to explain your problems to them.

Your symptoms are a common one with Anxiety so lets start with some help for you :)

Now Anxiety attacks are very scary, no matter how many times we have them its enough to really shake you up. Best thing to do is to distract your mind in which ever way works best for you, i normally put on some southpark or a movie. To help prevent an Anxiety attack, stay away from Caffine and suger and try to stay clear of stressfull situiations where possible.

Chest pains are another concerning symptom that most of us encounter. Let me tell you that you are not going to die but you should have it checked out all the same with your Doctor. Now the great think is that a simple trick to realease the chest pain is to take some indigestion tablets, it has worked for alot of people.

We all know here what you are going through and yes it is very scary, but hang in there.