View Full Version : unbearable

07-17-2009, 09:36 AM
Why wont it stop.. Its gettin on unbearable now.. I'm cryin all the time, my friends have stopped talking to me now and my boyfriend is starting to crash.. 'm afriad he'll leave me like everyone else. my job had to put me on leave as i cant even do my job. my work mates are so annoyed with me that they're feeling the strain as I'm not there..

is seems like there no point anymore that everyone is giving up on me

07-17-2009, 11:52 AM

At one point I was like you i was about to give up if you give up the anxiety is winning...
Take each day at an opportunity to beat the anxiety.
I lost lot of friends due to my anxiety as i did not want to go out anymore and nearly went on work leave...
I had 4 hard months where i was not able to do do anything.
If you want to e mail me if you have questions or need help I will be more than happy to do so.
I used to live in Ireland for 5 years.
here's my e mail
[email protected]

07-17-2009, 12:12 PM
Dear Gillian,

Anyone who is going to abandon you in your time of need is NOT a true friend! And remember, the worst part would not be people giving up on you. The worst would be if you have given up on yourself. You must remember that things CAN get better. You have to find a way to slowly get into the right frame of mind. I'm new to this board so I'm not familiar with your story, but I would love to help in any way I can! I have been an anxiety sufferer for about ten years, and I have had some very low times. I know exactly how you feel right now.

When I was at my lowest point, I truly way alone. I had actually ended a relationship, and all of those who I thought would be with me through it walked away. I was completely alone. I had a house that I owned by myself, so I was forced to go to work every day and put on a happy face (which I failed at, but tried). It took me about a year from that point to turn my life around. But you won't be able to start until you reach the point where you realize that you and you alone can turn this around.

It WILL get better. It will :)

07-18-2009, 02:51 AM
Hi Gillian,

Like learningtobreathe said, anyone that abandons you in your times of need arent worth knowing anyway. You want people around you who will give you the support you need.

That feeling when anxiety is winning is horrible and it feels like you will never get on top of it, trust me you can. Keep hanging in there and step by step you will get it under control! Have faith!

07-19-2009, 10:00 PM
hi Gillian,

No one is about going to abandon you. Those who abandon you are not your TRUE friends just like learningtobreathe said. Just remember, as long as you don't give up on yourself, nothing can stop you from recovering. Trust me, as long you stay strong nothing can stop you, not even the worst demon in the world.