View Full Version : My worst anxiety symptoms - how I eased them

07-17-2009, 06:47 AM
Over the years I have had many different symptoms, as we all have.

For a long time I had a constant headache, I would go to sleep with it, wake up with it, it was terrible. That was certainly one of the worst ones. This one took a while to go away. At the time I was terrified of having a brain tumor, and I think that it was the anxiety related to this concern that was causing the headaches. Once I accepted the fact that I was healthy, they gradually went away. I still get them from time to time, but I don't even think about them, and they rarely last longer then a few hours.

Derealisation was by far the worst. As I have mentioned in other posts, I have a handle on this one now, but it was so scary when it was at it's peak. it still creeps up on my now and then, but I always immediately distract myself and just force myself to ignore it. Very hard, yes, but it does lesson it.

Currently, the major thing for me is tiredness. Being anxious and worrying all day wipes me out. I find that I can rarely get through watching a movie with my husband without falling asleep. I figure that my body is finally relaxed, and so it's just pure exhaustion.

Has anyone else found a way to cure this level of tiredness? My first thought is to drink coffee, ha ha, but that's terrible for people with anxiety, so I stay away from it. Any other ideas?

07-17-2009, 11:38 AM
I've noticed that getting a little excersise each day actually gives me energy.

When I wake up, I do some simple push ups, and sit ups. Then I try and go for a 20 minute jog, or a 40 minute walk. Not only does it help to burn excess adrenaline, but it's also great for the mind.

Definitely avoid caffeine... haha. Caffeine tells the brain that it is in a stressful situation which like you said, is terrible for people who are already anxious. :lol:

07-17-2009, 11:19 PM
Yes exercise in the morning definitely helps. Try stretching when you feel tired and meditation helps. Even for short periods. Try just turning everything off (television, computer, ipod etc.) and find a quiet place to just sit. Try to focus on your breathing. Breathe through your nose and slowly empty your mind of everything. This is actually not easy especially if your mind tends to be a "chatterbox" but it's worth the effort.

07-18-2009, 02:45 AM
Over the years I have had many different symptoms, as we all have.

For a long time I had a constant headache, I would go to sleep with it, wake up with it, it was terrible. That was certainly one of the worst ones. This one took a while to go away. At the time I was terrified of having a brain tumor, and I think that it was the anxiety related to this concern that was causing the headaches. Once I accepted the fact that I was healthy, they gradually went away. I still get them from time to time, but I don't even think about them, and they rarely last longer then a few hours.

Derealisation was by far the worst. As I have mentioned in other posts, I have a handle on this one now, but it was so scary when it was at it's peak. it still creeps up on my now and then, but I always immediately distract myself and just force myself to ignore it. Very hard, yes, but it does lesson it.

Currently, the major thing for me is tiredness. Being anxious and worrying all day wipes me out. I find that I can rarely get through watching a movie with my husband without falling asleep. I figure that my body is finally relaxed, and so it's just pure exhaustion.

Has anyone else found a way to cure this level of tiredness? My first thought is to drink coffee, ha ha, but that's terrible for people with anxiety, so I stay away from it. Any other ideas?

The best way to deal with it is definitely exercise, when you feel stressed your body pumps adrenaline around to gear you up for the fight or flight phase, once it runs out it just leaves you totally sapped of energy. Apart from avoiding the anxiety in the first place getting out and going for a walk will make a world of difference and help you feel better!

Distraction and ignoring the anxious thought is great, if you can do it consistantly it becomes habit and so much easier. When I first starting doing this it was hard and there are times the anxious thought wins through but stick with it!

07-19-2009, 10:04 PM
Tiredness can cause by high level of cholesterol. so yeah, you should be worrying about your other aspect of your health instead of brain tumor.

The best way to detect whether you have brain tumor is that, whenever you have headache, do you have some blurry vision or affected listening ability?