View Full Version : Hello and my story

07-16-2009, 09:44 PM
Hi all,

I am new to the forums which I happened to come across the other day, I really enjoyed reading peoples stories and it made me realise how common the whole anxiety thing is, its not something I have ever felt overly comfortable disucssing with people because people look at you like your crazy or say stupid things like dont worry about it like you can just flick a switch!

Sometimes it seems a bit harder for me because im a 28 yo male and work in the fitness industry and its just not the image alot of people have of an anxious person.

I have realistically suffered from anxiety my whole life but it really hit me a couple of years ago. I remember being a kid and terrified something was going to happen to my parent or that I was going to forget to breathe while asleep.

A few years ago I began to suffer from more severe anxiety although I didnt realise it, I was getting all the symptoms but didnt realise what it was and I worried something was wrong with me, so I worried more and I got worse until I googled my symptoms (BIG MISTAKE) and decided I had MS which sent me off the rails totally. I was in a permanent state of panic, I was my gp who told me it was anxiety, of course I didnt believe them and went for all the tests and overtime I learned to recognise anxiety symptoms although I still ran off to the doctor if something came along I couldnt consider anxiety.

I had it under control for the most part with meltdowns in between until the start of this year when it got me again. I had a kidney stone (I think) and had blood in my urine...so I naturally decided I had bladder cancer or some such even though the whole episode lasted less than 12hours and then went away. I got better and it happened again so even bigger meltdown ensues, in between I also manage to convince myself that I have a brain tumour, Leaukemia, skin cancer, testicular cancer and everything in between. The blood happened a 3rd time and I went off the rails for a bit, of course the fact that each time it happened was after heavy exercise and not enough water so I was dehydrated and each time it cleared up in hours. In amongst all that I did the round of various cancers again plus worried to death about everyone I knew.

I was really bad over the last week as well with the whole feeling I couldnt cope, crying and depressed and frustrated and all that goes with it but I am gradually pulling myself back together again, after finding this forum I thought Id love to help other people out who are struggling and enjoy the support of people on here.

Sorry for the long post, wont do it again!

07-17-2009, 07:57 AM
Hi there! I am also new, but I too suffer from health anxiety, so I can COMPLETELY relate!

Over the years I have worried myself sick over cancer, brain tumors, MS, everything yo can think of. My doctor has told me many times that ALL of my 'symptoms' are anxiety related, but of course I always worry that something could have been missed.

What I'm trying to do now is to realize that no matter what, whether I'm perfectly healthy or not, worrying will make it worse. It will. I mean, think about it. Let's just say that I actually DO have something. Being panic stricken will NOT help me cope with it!

My husband always tells me that there is no point in worrying about what you can't control. And as an anxiety suffered, this is just simply not how we think. But maybe, if we try really hard, we can at least accept the fact that that IS TRUE!

I'm glad you have joined, and I hope things get better. Let us know how things are going, changes you are making, and any progress you make!

07-18-2009, 04:04 AM
Hi there! I am also new, but I too suffer from health anxiety, so I can COMPLETELY relate!

Over the years I have worried myself sick over cancer, brain tumors, MS, everything yo can think of. My doctor has told me many times that ALL of my 'symptoms' are anxiety related, but of course I always worry that something could have been missed.

What I'm trying to do now is to realize that no matter what, whether I'm perfectly healthy or not, worrying will make it worse. It will. I mean, think about it. Let's just say that I actually DO have something. Being panic stricken will NOT help me cope with it!

My husband always tells me that there is no point in worrying about what you can't control. And as an anxiety suffered, this is just simply not how we think. But maybe, if we try really hard, we can at least accept the fact that that IS TRUE!

I'm glad you have joined, and I hope things get better. Let us know how things are going, changes you are making, and any progress you make!

Its so true in saying why worry about what you cant control and when I am feeling good I totally agree with it and can see how silly it is but when I am having a moment I feel more like "how can I not worry about it" even though it wont change anything!

As a wise man once said "worry but remember that worrying is about as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real worries in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind"


Weeze Begs
07-18-2009, 05:06 PM
I am also new so it was good to read your post.
I too am suffering from health anxiety, I am constantly worried about dying due to every fatal disease, I hate going to sleep as I am convinced that I am going to die in my sleep. All the news about swine flu on the news and TV is sending me over the edge.
My Dr has just put me on anti-depressants and i have seen a shrink 3 times so far. My Dr is very understanding when I go and see him every week, with my new ailment.
I have just realised that all my symptoms are anxirty related and that I am not going to die.
I have a very supportive Mum and Husband but they are not sufferer's so really don't understand.
I hate being on my own, and won't be. My Mum is with me mon - friday and I have my Husband at the weekend.
I hardly go out as I fear what might happen, but I am just realising that nothing happens so I am going to try hard next week and go out a few times.
Good talking to you and hope you realise you are not alone ...good luck with your recovery, keep me posted.

07-19-2009, 07:14 AM
Wow, I think we all have the same story. I suffered from debilitating anxiety as well as daily panic attacks. I have (thought) I had MS, brain tumors, cancer, blood disorders, strokes, heart issues, you name it the web sites said I have it.

With a lot of work & a lot of self discovery I am back to my old self today. Just know it can get better. I am so sorry for all that you are going through, I know how hard it is.

Wishing you all the best,