View Full Version : In need of help and support

07-16-2009, 10:42 AM
Hi I am new here. I have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks since my last child was born 11 years ago. I refused meds when it first started-and have been anxiety free for many years. I recently began having attacks again along with stomach pains. Went to see my doc and was put on ativan as needed. Its to the point that when I drive I have anxiety attacks so I am trying to avoid leaving the house. Im afraid of what is happening to me and dont know how to cope. My son just returned from Iraq and my daughter just moved out to start college soon. I dont know what is happening to me or why-but I use to be a strong woman able to take on anything-now I refuse phone calls because I dont know if I can handle the news if its bad. I did not go for my upper GI and ultrasound today because I could not drive myself. I have to wait until my husband is off and has time to take me. These tests are to try to figure out why the sudden stomach issues. Anyone able to offer advice or just wish to share your story with me-please feel free to.

07-16-2009, 08:47 PM
Hi armymom,

Change does funny things to us sensitive, anxiety sufferers. We can go on panic-free for months and even years and then whamo, out of the blue, those familiar feared feelings return. But you got through it before and you will again. You are going through some agoraphobia right now and it's okay. It feels awful, absolutely dreadful, but you won't die from it. It can't harm you. So remember that. You're okay.

From my experience all I can say is, there is no quick fix. Because in trying to get rid of it quickly, this makes you rush, no, run, from the physical sensations and you can't run from yourself. You can't escape your feelings. So what are you supposed to do this time around? Try to remind yourself that this situation is temporary. It's not going to stick around forever. This is not the "new you". You're still you, you're just going through a lot of changes right now. Go easy on yourself, okay? You've done this all before and came out the other side a winner. Nothing's changed there, you're still a winner. You are still that same strong woman! ;)