View Full Version : Does This Sound Like You???

07-16-2009, 01:20 AM
Hey everyone. So long story short. For a few years now I have dealt with so much in my life ranging from an abusive and disloyal relationship, dropping out of school to work to support me and my boyfriend, being kicked out of home twice because of my boyfriend, being anorexic and starving myself then to eating so much food that I am now a little over 200lbs and have Benign Intracranial Hypertension to talking to myself when I am upset, hiding myself away and staying indoors for around 3 weeks straight at one point, not working for a year, never going out anywhere and becoming scared of everything, developing OCD tendencies and being told I have anxiety! I am sick of this. I want my old life back a few years ago where I was healthy, had friends, working, happy, healthy and on top of my life. Please I just need a friend or someone to talk to. If so please add me on [email protected] and we can talk and please if you could all let me know what you guys go through just so I know I am not alone because although I know I am most certainly not going to die just because my heart is racing from 110-160 bps I am just scared and need to know how I could work through this...please...help and share your experience with this....I just want to live my life

07-16-2009, 01:45 AM
Well you are surely not alone :)

Life is a roller-coaster.... however, people who have anxiety have much bigger hills and valleys.

A big help for me was to realize it's okay to have anxiety. When I have panic attacks I no longer wish they would just go away. I allow my brain to understand that I am okay with it, because I know that it will eventually subside. Just keep reminding yourself that MANY people are strapped to the same roller-coaster that you are on, but for every fall there will be a rise.

I'm 25 and have had anxiety since I was 18. Sometimes I go months and feel fine, and other times it feels like I'm trapped. You've done a smart thing by coming here to share how you feel because it can and will be very helpful as you start to realize just how many other people feel the same way you do.

I hope this helps you. Always remember that you're not alone. We are all in it together, and we will all get through it, one panic attack at a time. lol :D

07-16-2009, 02:41 AM
Thank you so much! That is a help. I thought I had over come it by being all positive n all but I guess not. I guess there were underlying problems that I am still yet to over come...Why do people get anxiety? Do you think it is because there are things that people need to sort out in their minds such as events n things that have happened in their life or something like that. Because there has been so much that has happened to me which I mentioned above and I am wondering if you think that that is why I am anxious? Although, maybe this is just the anxiety talking, I sometimes feel that it is not anxiety because it just comes on even when I am just sitting there watching t.v yet I won't get a fast heart rate if I for example get up and sing in front of people when I go to this karaoke place sometimes to sing and on top of that, I have noticed that when I get these fast heart rates, I begin to get the Benign Intracranial Hypertension headaches and pressure. So, that is why I am torn between thinking I am anxious or it being an effect of pressure building up in my head and THEN me getting anxious because my heart is racing. Sorry I carry on but I am torn between it being anxiety or it being an effect on my heart when I start getting the pressure symptoms of BIH in my head.

07-16-2009, 10:57 PM
Thank you so much! That is a help. I thought I had over come it by being all positive n all but I guess not. I guess there were underlying problems that I am still yet to over come...Why do people get anxiety? Do you think it is because there are things that people need to sort out in their minds such as events n things that have happened in their life or something like that. Because there has been so much that has happened to me which I mentioned above and I am wondering if you think that that is why I am anxious? Although, maybe this is just the anxiety talking, I sometimes feel that it is not anxiety because it just comes on even when I am just sitting there watching t.v yet I won't get a fast heart rate if I for example get up and sing in front of people when I go to this karaoke place sometimes to sing and on top of that, I have noticed that when I get these fast heart rates, I begin to get the Benign Intracranial Hypertension headaches and pressure. So, that is why I am torn between thinking I am anxious or it being an effect of pressure building up in my head and THEN me getting anxious because my heart is racing. Sorry I carry on but I am torn between it being anxiety or it being an effect on my heart when I start getting the pressure symptoms of BIH in my head.

I have often wondered why people get anxiety as well, I think alot of it is genetic or personality based. I never realised how common it was in my family until I spoke to my mum about it and it turns out a good few of my aunties, uncles and cousins suffer with it to so it doesnt have to be from an event of the past.

It helps once you reaffirm to your self that your heart racing is just anxiety and wont kill you. Recognise its there and then take a couple of deep breaths, tell yourself your calm and relaxed and try to think of something else.

Hope that helps!

07-19-2009, 10:12 PM
It's a mystery why people get anxiety attack or so. It can't blame taht some people are more vunerable in geting anxiety while some are stoic and not reactive to anxiety at all.

However, it is okay to have anxiety. It no big deal, as you can see, there's a lot of people around you are the same, don't feel that you are alone in this world.