View Full Version : Has anyone tried this program?

07-15-2009, 09:49 PM
Hi all..

I was wondering if anyone has tried the program from
stopanxietyinminutes com as I'm interested in buying a copy of it.

I wanted to get feedback from others who may have used it first, although $27 is not a lot of money.

Thanks all in advance

07-16-2009, 03:31 AM
Hard to say if it will help or not to be honest.

I would just tackle one symptom at a time to overcome your Anxiety, thats what im doing which is very successfull so far.

Would you really like a book lying around to constantly remind you of your problem? Half the battle is distracting your mind from Anxiety.

I started off with post like arrgggghh i have constant Nausia what can i do?? Tried all sorts and it went with support from here then i moved onto my next symtom.

Anxiety cant be beaten over night but it can be beaten :)

07-16-2009, 08:28 AM
I read a book by lucinda Bassett from Panic to Power... It's been a great help for me.

07-19-2009, 10:45 PM
well, i tried linden method and easycalm for my anxiety cure, which can be found my signature link. I wrote my review for them. So you may be interested to check it out :)