View Full Version : can this happen

07-12-2009, 11:48 PM
is it possible for anxiety and stress to cause epilepsy cuz lately thats my main worry i really think i have petit mal seizures but i dont know it doesnt seem like any one else on the site has this symptom of anxiety so chances are i may have it please reply

07-13-2009, 12:28 PM
If you are concerned with having epilepsy, probably the best thing to do is seek diagnosis by a doctor and have an EEG performed. It's very easy and painless. Once this simple test is performed you'll have a better chance of making yourself feel better.

Having social anxiety disorder and agoraphobia probably has kept you from seeking help from a doctor, you most likely would prefer not to make the appointment and have to sit in a chair and talk to a stranger about your physical symptoms. But I assure you, once you pinpoint exactly what you have (or what you DON'T have), you'll be better prepared and equipped to handle what it is you're dealing with.

Panic attacks can cause a wide variety of unpleasant feelings and sensations, such as blurred vision, dizziness (to the point that you can hardly walk for fear you may fall over) and a whole host of other symptoms. But don't fear them. While they "feel" very scary, those feelings will NOT harm you.

Please, ease your mind. Make that appointment. Have an EEG done. You can do it! You'll feel much better after it's done and you'll be able to focus on getting better, rather than focusing on "what might be wrong".

07-13-2009, 12:31 PM
Charlene is right, have an EEG done, after that you will definately feel a whole lot better and reduce some of the anxiety that you are feeling.

07-13-2009, 07:12 PM
unfortunately i cant because i was laid off from my job last month and no longer hav medical insurance. and i have talked to my doctor but he doesnt seem to believe me. and no i dont want to sit in a room and talk about my issues tried it it didnt work for me. ive been checked for everything under the sun so im not scared of getting the appointment but i am scared of the diagnosis if i have epilepsy they my lisence would be taken and i wouldnt have a life for fear of an absence seizure

07-13-2009, 08:54 PM
It is unfortunate that you were laid off from your job, I am very sorry to hear that. Hopefully more work will be available to you soon. While I am not in any way qualified to provide you with medical advice, I would like to offer you some peace of mind. The fact that you have come to an anxiety disorder forum indicates that you have an inkling that you in fact do not have epilepsy, but rather you suspect that you might be suffering from anxiety. Petit mal seizures usually occur amongst children and sometimes continue throughout the teens but are much less likely to show in adults. Some of the symptoms of petit mal seizures are similar to generalized anxiety. With generalized anxiety, some sufferers often feel like they're in a spacey, transe-like state. With petit mal, a sufferer is not usually aware that they've "spaced out". It is usually by an outside observer, such as a parent, that detects this on their child. Your original question asked whether or not anxiety or stress can cause epilepsy. The answer is no. Stress and anxiety do not cause epilepsy. However, if one does have epilepsy as an already existing condition, anxiety and stress can aggravate this.