View Full Version : Help Please

07-10-2009, 10:41 AM
As a newcomer to this site I wondered if anyone could help me.

For 2 months now I have been experiencing sudden attacks of heart palpitations and shortness of breath.

These usually occur when I am away from the house.

I am not keen on seeing a dcoctor as I do not like taking drugs.

I am therfore actively seeking alternative mehods of dealing with this.

If anyone can advise or relate their experience of this and how they dealt with it I would be most grateful.


07-10-2009, 01:47 PM
I can definately relate to your situation. I cant even go to the movies without having a near panic attack just sitting in the theater. My doctor has tried on numerous occasions to put me on meds cause thats all doctors know how to do...whatever the problem is it can be solved with meds and i dont think that way. I refuse to be put on drugs for anxiety because so many people on this forum have posted their stories about having beat anxiety the natural way. I too am trying to help myself with this problem. I have experienced everything from night terrors to numb arms and legs to dizziness. Its a terrible feeling but just know you arent alone. i hope you feel better.

07-10-2009, 01:48 PM
Hello Tula,

I just want to start by saying that your experience is common to many people with anxiety. This usually doesn't help people relax, but hopefully it will help you realize to some degree that the heart palpitations and all of that is part of dealing with anxiety.

Just because you have anxiety does not mean that you have to take medication. Usually the doctor allows you to choose if you want to take medication or not. It really depends on how bad the anxiety is. For example. if you could not function in your daily life than your doctor would probably prescribe something for you in order to return you back to your routine.

Having successfully overcome anxiety, I would like to offer you this advice:

Make sure you cover all your bases. Always eat healthy foods and cut out all junk. Exercise if you can (I was not able to because the activity raised my heart beat and that scared me badly).

Try to think logically about your own life and think about what could be causing this anxiety. My theory (which I put in a post on this forum before) is that anxiety symptoms are a coping mechanism to help distract us from having to deal with a deeper problem. I discuss it in great detail in my book.

Try with all your might to realize that the symptoms of anxiety are not going to harm you. This can be very difficult because anxiety causes you to have strange sensations that will scare you into thinking you have some kind of rare disease or something.

If you have any questions or if you want to talk further, please send me a message. I would be more than happy to help.

Thank You,

George Christodoulou

07-12-2009, 06:30 AM
Hi Georgec

Many thanks for your suggestions regarding my attacks.

What you say makes sense, in fact I had already changed my diet.

I am also now walking more.

I am mentally trying to battle this situation so I am remaing positive.

Will let you know how I get on.

Kind regards


07-13-2009, 08:21 AM
Hi and welcome

I'm one for beating Anxiety without meds to even though im happy to try anything.

Heart palps came right at the begining for me and are a common symptom with Anxiety sufferers. What you need to do is focus on your diet first.

Some things to try:
1. Try not to focus on your problem listen to music or watch movies etc.
2. Vitamins are a great aid for your body to recover or cope with Anxiety. Try Vitamin B complex and Magnesium, both are effective.
3. Tea: Try comomile Tea, it really helps calm you down or RedBush tea which removes oxidants from your body.
4. Stay away from all forms of caffine and suger.
5. Relax and try to get plently of sleep.

There are so many more things to try so have a read around this site and feel free to ask questions.
