View Full Version : Thought I was going to cry today

07-09-2009, 08:54 PM
I have anxiety and depression and am on celexa currently, although I need to make some irritating insurance phone calls to get in to see a psychiatrist to check my meds...

Anyway, today I had this completely new and awful experience. I don't think it matters what the situation was, and frankly it was kind of mundane (talking to my 6 year old son about how to use a vending machine at camp) but just this very topic almost brought me to tears and nausea.

It clearly reminds me of something upsetting from my own childhood, but what that might be is a complete mystery to me. I was struck by how overwhelming these feelings were, however, and it was the first time I was hit unprepared by something so completely out of my control.

Anyone have any ideas or tips for how to deal with this kind of thing? It is kind of freaking me out. I'm looking for anything that helps.

Thank you,
By the Wheels

07-09-2009, 09:27 PM
Due to the fact that I am not, well, you, I cannot say for sure what it might have been that caused you to feel the way you did. I could possibly offer guesses. But that would not be of much help. However, what I CAN tell you is that, when you have a problem like depression/anxiety, you can be hit emotionally by various things (or, sometimes, nothing at all) in a way that you would not under ordinary situations. Reacting to this sort of thing to this degree is simply not all that uncommon. I should also note that meds can cause this to happen as well. It is certainly possible that the celexa is to blame, particularly if this had not happened until you started the celexa. In any case, it is best to deal with this just like any other symptom of depression/anxiety. In other words, simply recognize it for what it is: a symptom and nothing more. Try your best to just let it pass without worrying excessively about it, or otherwise becoming emotionally distraught about it. By learning to accept unpleasant and disturbing symptoms such as this one, you allow your mind to heal.