View Full Version : memory/spelling

07-09-2009, 12:06 PM
does anyone sometimes have problems with memory? im sure people will tell me it has to do with brainfog/depersonalization, but it still is terrible.

ill usually do things like spell simple words wrong, for instance i just wrote wrong as "word, and as, as "was" words get mixed and jarmbled. its really scary. this is a newer symptom. its mostly on the computer.

07-09-2009, 12:39 PM
I do feel the same.. Like i cant remember the simplest things.. I also feel as if I can see my self talking and saying things that i shouldn't be saying and I'm trying to say stop but i cant. then i total forget what I'm even talking about..

07-13-2009, 08:12 AM
Yes i have this problem too but it has become slightly better recently. I suffer from de-realisation so your brain can become easily confuesd.

I'm taking a high quality vitamin B complex at the moment which does appear to help and also getting more sleep seems to make things better too.