View Full Version : undescribable syptoms

07-09-2009, 12:04 PM
undescribable symptoms...we probably all have at least one. lets talk about them here, and try to figure out if anyone else has it/knows what its calls.

one of my big ones in this feeling that goes through my left arm, left side of my rib cage, and leg. its almost like a tingling, but i feel like what you say tingling, people think of typical pins and needles. this is more of a tickling/metal feeling, like licking copper.

it comes and goes whenever. mostly at night before bed, or if im just hanging around. its 80% always on the left side. thats why i always fear its a tumor. but another weird thing is i can "program" it where to go...IE if i think its going to be in my elbow..its there...

post yours too.

07-14-2009, 06:53 PM
I used to get this clear bubble that would form on the underside of my tongue. Eventually it would get big enough that I would have to pop it with a needle. This was probably the first time as a person suffering from anxiety that I told myself I don't really care what this is, I'm not going to worry about it. Don't get me wrong, I went through the regular worries.. it's a tumor, its cancer, etc. - but I just reminded myself everyday that if it got really bothersom I would go get it checked out. After setting this goal, I found that it eventually left my mind.

Sure enough, it came and went for about 3 months and I havn't seen it since. It's been nearly 9 months since I last saw it. Our bodies are strange playgrounds. This is why having anxiety is so hard. We are so aware of our bodies that we notice every single little detail and change. Even though they are almost always harmless.

07-23-2009, 03:46 PM
I get a weird stabbing pain really deep in my neck/throat.. like sometimes its like i swallow or yawn and something catches and i get this pain. I never thort it'd be due to anxiety, but recently when i have been having anxiety attacks, this symptom appears. I suffer badly with dry mouth to the point where i cant swallow properl (admist an attack), and so this aggravates the throat thingy. But just wondered what it is? If i push on my front of my neck (throat), i can locate the pain, but it is quite deep and i have to poke around for it. Sometimes it feels like a lump, but i have had my glands checked regularly and doc says its normal! Anyone else get this? Any ideas?