View Full Version : Very scared

07-09-2009, 11:08 AM
Hi everyone.
My name is Gillian and I'm 23 years old.

For most my life I was a constant worrier about everything.. I just thought it was normal. I've done things in the past that really scared me. My boyfriend has begged for years to see some one about this. But it was that my family and boyfriend that sent me to the doctors.

she diagnosed me with anxiety and depression back in may. for years I have felt paranoid, that i was never good enough, stressed to bits about my family, my friends my job. I've slept walked all my life cause my mind never slowed down. I have really bad panic attacks and every situation thats in my way. I have a fear of phones, a fear of weather and moving objects. my life was been totally destroyed by this.

for the last month, Ive been pit on lexapro and I found it really helps and was doing so well. But on Monday my job people i trusted have hit me hard with problems about my personal life.. I work as a fitness instructor and now some how its gotten out to members about my illness and have been complaining to my mangers. They basically acussed me of sharing it out when i didn't.

it has really hit me hard that people are talking about me to other people, i cant face my job. i feel betrayed don't know who to trust. my mother has nearly sent me away cause she cant bear to see me suffering. I cant eat sleep.. and i just wanna die now..

I need help bad.. I'm really scared

07-13-2009, 04:47 PM
Hello Gillian,

Don't be afraid. There really is nothing to fear. What you need to understand is that all these years, you've been scaring yourself. Nothing "out there" or outside of yourself is actually coming at you and scaring you. What's scaring you are your thoughts. You have lived most of your life as a constant worrier and now it's become habitual. You probably can't imagine what life would be like just not to worry or be afraid. But try it. Try it right now. Shake it off. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and imagine yourself not worrying. Think about what you WANT. Stop thinking about what you don't want. It sounds simple, doesn't it? But it's not easy. And for someone like you, who's been stuck in a mind-set of panic and worry, thinking uplifting thoughts is very, very difficult. But you can do it! Now, hold that positive uplifting thought. Cling to it for ..... oh, try holding onto it for 60 seconds. Just try. It was hard to do, wasn't it? But you tried it. And it worked. For that fleeting moment, you experienced non-worry. So, you see? You can do it when you want to. You do have full control of your thoughts. Nothing outside of you is making you think the way you think. You can choose to think peaceful thoughts if you just become consciously aware of them.

07-14-2009, 06:47 PM
The first thing I do is remind myself that it's totally okay to worry. It's okay to have panic attatcks, and it's okay to be scared.

It's also okay to realize that there are many, many people out there with the exact same problems as yourself. I have had anxiety for 7 years now and there have been good times and bad. I have never taken any medication for it, but I went to the doctor on Monday because I thought to myself "what the heck, i'll give it try,"

I've already told myself that if the medication doesn't work, then oh well. I'll continue doing the things that have worked in the past. Going on short walks, reading, photography, and pretty much anything else that is relaxing and enjoyable to me.

Don't focus on tomorrow and how you are going to feel, instead focus on yesterday.. because no matter how bad yesterday was, you're still standing here today.

Don't let your anxiety control you. Remind your brain that it's okay to feel anxiety and have panic attacks, because it's natural of some of us to have these symptoms.

Use this forum and post anything that you want to talk about. You will may be surprised at how many people share your feelings.