View Full Version : My Anxiety.

07-08-2009, 07:40 AM
Hey guys, just thought i'd throw my first post in here.

Well, it started a good lot of years ago really, i've always been afraid of feeling symptoms then it just turns into a chain of panic and so on. I've had my fair share of panic attacks over that time too.

Now, my symptoms summed up would be:
General Worry
Tight chest
Heart palpitations
Muscle twitches
Generally weak
Short of breath / aware of my breathing

and more recently
Seeing flashes / spots in my vision
Lost my appetite sort of
General worry

I was just looking for a bit of reassurance from people that might have felt the same kind of thing. I'm always aware of the symptoms and obviously, thinking about them more would make them worse. I've been to the doctors before to and had a general check-up / bloodwork done to rule some things out. I'm going back next thursday for another check.

Is this a classic case of anxiety? the symptoms normal with it?

Sorry it's a bit long :P

07-08-2009, 07:46 AM
They are all the symprtoms I had when my Doctor said that it looks like I have anxiety.

It's also new to me and it is hard for me to grasp that my body can do these things without something being really wrong with me.

I wish you luck :)

07-08-2009, 08:09 AM
Yeah it is baffling.

I've also noticed that the symptoms aren't so serious, or i don't really feel them from time to time, because i either forget or stop worrying about it all. Or when i'm distracted or occupied.