View Full Version : reaching out.

07-06-2009, 07:22 PM
i wanted to list the usual things i go though (am am going through as i write this) and see if anyone goes through similar things.

weird sensations in limbs -
sometimes its a feeling of numbness, or a feeling that my limbs arnt there, bu can always feel them when i go to touch. another sensation in my limbs only resides in my left side, and is hard to explain, but feels kind of like the way it tastes to lick a penny. and almost subtle metallic feeling runs up and down my left leg and arm. also get weak and wobbly limbs. sometimes feel like they wont work, but always do and can always walk, ect.

dizzy and falling feeling-
i get these dizzy attacks, not sure how to describe, its not the same kind of dizzy as spinning around, and almost hits me at random. very fast coming on. usually when im falling asleep i get this feeling in my head which is similar to falling, like that feeling you get when you jerk yourself away from a dream of falling, but this isnt during a dream, and can happen again and again

attacks of adrenaline? -
it comes from the mid to bottom section of my chest, it feels like im being literally injected with a syringe full of adrenaline into my chest. even after the "rush" it takes a while to feel semi normal again. these "injections" of what feels like adrenaline really exhaust me, and leave a weird lingering feeling in chest after the attacks subside. these usually happen before bed or when am laying or using computer

thoughts of serious underlying conditions -
i am CONVINCED something else is causing these symptoms. i have been to the doctors very recently, and have had a lot of bloodwork and check ups done, and the drs say im in great health, but i really feel i have a brain tumor, or something doing this. it usually switches off. one day ill think brain tumor, and ill have of of head pains, dizziness, etc....and some days ill have pains in stomach, and testicles, thinking that i have testicular cancer which has spread to my stomach. it also switches off from physical to medical. some days ill feel fine physically, and mentally think somethings wrong.

these are the main ones. if i think of some more i will add them soon. nothing really helps to make them better or worse. usually staying active, long walks help, but i usually end up trying to walk in very straight lines, to see if im okay, and havent had a stroke or something like that. its terrible.

thanks for reading.

07-06-2009, 09:17 PM
that dizzy/falling feeling
totally know what youre talking about. i hate it, its ruining my life. supposedly its called depersonalization/derealization and theres nothing you can do about it lol... its your brain reaction to anxiety, its trying to protect itself... all you can do is realize that its not gonna harm you and try and enjoy it.
for years i used to think i was high non stop cuz of this feeling until i decided hey alot of potheads would pay hefty money for this feeling and i started to enjoy it and it eventually went away.. or i just got so accustomed to it i paid no matter to it.

recently though i had a another panic attack that was really bad that came out from a different fear/situation and ive got a whole different type of depersonalization, more like an out of body type of experience. but that falling/dizziness is back in full force!

im here with you in the same struggle!

07-06-2009, 10:35 PM
yeah, the dizziness really throws me off. it just happens at random. its just a gust of wind in my head, and then there it is. it scares me that i have a tumor or something going on. its really sad.

07-07-2009, 07:19 AM
i am so glad im not alone in this! all of you have made me feel so much better about my dizziness. its so scary that all i can do is think the worst. some days its not there at all and other days it hits me like a ton of bricks....its a terrible feeling.

07-08-2009, 03:06 PM
i am so glad im not alone in this! all of you have made me feel so much better about my dizziness. its so scary that all i can do is think the worst. some days its not there at all and other days it hits me like a ton of bricks....its a terrible feeling.

yah...is you "dizziness" similar to what i experience?

07-08-2009, 03:23 PM
yes i feel the same way..i also have strange rushes of adrenaline randomly throughout the day where my arms feel like noodles. I keep thinking the worst possible thing about the dizziness...its causing me to worsen my anxiety. I thought for a while it was my sinuses so i went to my gp and they put me on meds but they didnt work. i havent been back yet because my husband is trying to convince me its only anxiety. The terrible thoughts i have wont go away but i feel like a hypochondriac by running to the doctor all the time. I just want to feel better but i have been so scared thinking its something awful thats wrong with me that i wont allow myself to stop thinking the worst. All my gp wants to do is keep trying to put me on meds but i wont take them because i want to beat this myself. Its a terrible feeling. I hope you feel better soon.