View Full Version : Yesterday at the mall, Please read.

07-06-2009, 03:51 PM
Yeah i was at the mall yesterday, i was getting a check up at the doctors.
yeah i felt dizzy in the lifts, it when away for the duration of the day. But tonight i feel dizzy, it feels like its coming from my legs.. Does this sound like anxiety?

07-07-2009, 03:52 AM
I suffered from dizzness also for some time which did seem to get worse in busy places like the mall so i can relate to this.

As from the dizzyness coming from your legs, thats not something ive experianced however it can still be linked in some way im sure.

Dizzyness is not something that passes with ease but will gradually go over time, keep your chin up it will pass.

07-08-2009, 07:20 PM
Yeah, it realy restrics me from going to the mall and hanging out with my friends.
What can i do, like every time i go i come back dizzy, it last for like 2 weeks.
Going for a glucose and sugar test today, just to make sure..
Please keep comments coming through.

07-09-2009, 06:15 AM
Well this is my theory behind this one. It is known that if you suffer a stressfull time and generate Anxiety your Brain goes into a defensive mode, so what happens is your Brain will not calculate things as fast as it should do making things a littel sureal. This is known as de-realisation and can be mistaken for a form of dizzyness, now if you are in an relaxed place with very little going on your Brain is relaxed,but if you go into a busy place your mind and eyes are constantly observing the many things going on which your Brain cannot cope with as it is a tired defensve state, thus making you feel dizzy.

I notice as soon as a set foot in a busy inviroment my de-realisation becomes worse untill i leave.

Now this might just be a Social Anxeity but i feel confidant its linked.

As i said it does get easier over time, make sure you get plenty of sleep which really helps. Try to avoid your comuter as much as possible too that helps to.

07-09-2009, 09:41 PM
Yeah im really thirsty, tied. is that apart of it, its really windy but, Thanks keep the comments coming in