View Full Version : is it anxiety

07-06-2009, 12:44 PM
i think i have really bad anxiety, i'll give you an example

i watch the simpsons and see a volcano and i imagine falling into a volcano. i see a car and i imagine getting run down and paralysed. i see a microwave and i imagine being in it cooked alive

all these sort of thoughts cause me distress, i currently take 6mg of risperidone, do you think what i have can be helped with anti depressants?

07-06-2009, 01:52 PM
Speaking from my own experiences, I don't think I would recommend anti-depressants. It sounds like you have a more mild anxiety that might be helped by natural methods.

But like I said, I'm just speaking from what I experienced so I can't really say what would be right for you.

07-07-2009, 02:56 PM
That sounds like me, i see a small car accident, and im thinking i'll get run over by a semi, and die. im watching some safety video at work and i immagine the place being robbed and gun shots >< Its gotten to where i freak out about using household products for cleaning cause the warning labes about inhaling them scare me

07-07-2009, 03:36 PM
Just curious. Why exactly are you taking risperidone? That's a pretty hard core drug for mere anxiety.

07-09-2009, 08:05 AM
i've got phycosis aswell