View Full Version : anyone else worry about epilepsy

07-03-2009, 11:03 PM
this has been one of my big worries lately because of the fact that ive been spacing out a lot and ive been twitching alot as well. the twitching isnt bad it doesnt really move my extremities but i can feel it. sumtimes if its in my arms or hands i can see the muscle twitching. i know this may be anxiety but does anyone else hav a similar issue and worry about it. please reply :shock:

07-04-2009, 09:31 AM
seriously no one

07-05-2009, 10:24 PM
85 views not one person man this is depressing :(

07-06-2009, 03:25 AM
Hiya dont worry i thought the same at one point.

Ok the muscle twiches are a common sign within Anxiety which refer to a Magnesium deficiency. What happens is you major organs need magniesium in order to work correctly, so your body will take it from non vital muscles, normally the the arms and legs etc which the causes twiches. Alot of people have heart flutters to when they are Magesium deficient. Take 300mg daily if you are a woman and 600Mg if your a man, takes a couple of weeks to notice but sorted me out. You will probably find that you get cramps easy too at the moment and pins n needles.

Spacing out is one that i still have, read up on de-realisation or de-personalisation. Tell me if you find a cure lol

07-08-2009, 09:36 AM
161 views and only 1 comment from somebody besides myself

07-20-2009, 11:06 PM
Hello.... I am having the muscle or nerve twitches now. Its in my legs mostly but I also feel them in my arms at times. Almost at times feels like I have bugs crawling under my skin for brief moments? Weird I know!!

It is totally driving me NUTS! I am gonna look into that Magnesium thingy!

Sorry i have no help....but wanted you to know that you arent alone!

07-21-2009, 04:41 AM
Dont worry it will go over time i had it bad.

The skin crawling sensation is wierd i know, i had that on the top of my head haha. Those little invisable bugs are fun.

07-23-2009, 03:05 PM
I had epilepsy when i was about 18months old but grew out of it by the time i was 5years old. I was on medication until i was about 7years old, to ensure that it had gone.

I am at no greater risk of developing epilepsy than any normal person, yet i still worry constantly that i have it again....but i know it is my anxiety you know!

I get constant muscle twitches and i get really bad jerks at night (when your dropping off and it feels like your falling and you jerk awake). I can have about 3 jerks before i fall asleep properly, and when i say a jerk, i mean my whole bodie spasms! Its scary, and after my muscles twitch and it feels like im guna fit, but i never do...because its just anxiety..it can't harm you....you are going to be just fine.

I have just joined and this is my first post. Feel free to email me if you need anything :). Chin up, you're fine x