View Full Version : I'm not alone!

07-03-2009, 03:43 PM
I have been suffering from periods of worry and stress for at least the last 8 years (I am 27). I go through good and bad stages but have got gradually worse and due to a recent job change, I am at my wits end now.

I am constantly stressed and tense, I get headaches and diarrhoea and I cry all the time - and I mean proper howling crying where I struggle to breath. I can't concentrate on anything when I am at my worst and I get a desire to run away from everything.

I just can't control my feelings or thoughts and I obsess about things. I wish I could find the switch in my head that stops me worrying and enables me to relax.

Its now affecting my relationship with my boyfriend who has been extremely tolerant and caring but I have pushed him to his limit. So now I have self referred to a counsellor and am having my first session on Monday.

I am so glad to have found this forum where I can see I am not alone and I am not abnormal in any way. Hopefully by seeing the counsellor, I can start to make sense of my feelings.

07-06-2009, 03:41 AM
Sorry to hear that you are suffering, dont worry you are not going mad and you will find help here.

Now the first thing you need to do is elimate as much stress as possible in your life in order to even start a recovery, take a step back and look at what you can change, remembering that your heath is more important.

Crying is no bad thing, it is your bodies way of releasing stress so next time you cry remember it your bodys way of coping. Wish i would just cry sometimes :)

Not sure about the diarrhoea thing but your headaches are there becuase you are worrying all the time and will go once you calm down, just treat it with a paracetamol for now, but if its a stress head ache you may find that paracetamol has little to no affect.

The most important thing to do is to take your mind away from any problems or stress you have, try going for a walk with your boyfriend somewhere and DONT talk about it just enjoy a day somewhere.