View Full Version : Feeling strange....

07-03-2009, 06:49 AM
Ive had a bit of stress the last cple of weeks and a lack of sleep...

Ive been feeling a bit weird, sick and really bad headaches!

And my eyes have been weird, have i got a brain tumor??x

07-03-2009, 07:32 AM
I thought i had a Brain tumor but im sure after 6 months of Anxiety i would have known by now.

Sleep plays a big role on how your body can deal with health issues so its most probably that.

Try getting some light naps in during the daytime if possible, that seemed to help me a little when i wasnt sleeping well..

07-03-2009, 02:15 PM
I agree with coops about the sleep. Sleep deprivation can play havoc with every part of you.

As for a brain tumor, that's a pretty common health anxiety to have. Many people convince themselves that they are having brain tumor symptoms even when they're not.

That said, I'm not a doctor so I'd recommend checking in with a specialist if you're really concerned about the symptoms.

07-03-2009, 06:28 PM
I thought i was having a brain tumor also... Well recently i found out that this weird headache and eye problem that i have was due to my sinus....
So i took all the precautions and been taking saline and i feel way better y headache went away my eye is better also...
Good luck

07-05-2009, 01:09 PM
Thankyou so much for your replies

I have been having loads of sleep the last couple of days and do feel a little bit better.

What eye problems did you have? My are when things go a bit blurry and being a bit strange!

My headaches are so bad and my nausea is bad but I'm not off my food or anything?

Is there anything else I can do to try and get rid of these brain tumour worries and illness?

Thanks again xxx

07-06-2009, 03:01 AM
I had very bad nausia and head aches at the begining of my Anxiety. Try some peppermint tea it works amazingly well, also take a small amount of asprin daily.

If this fails try stemiltil from your Doctor. this medication finished my Nausia off and its not come back since.

When i had these symptoms sometimes my eyes would feel itchy and sore but i think this was due the fact i was infront of my computer for most of the day looking for a solution to my Anxiety. Try changing your monitors refresh rate to 75hz if its set to 60hz.

Glad to hear your sleeping better :)

07-06-2009, 08:19 AM
They said that anxiety can change your eyes sight as well...
My headache were really bad and also my eye... Looked as well into sinus infection or allergies it's this times of the year. My eye was very blurry and at times I Could not take it and so was my headache.
My therapist give me lot of relaxing exes to do and the headache still there...
Listen to some soothing music before to go to bed it's helping me a lot also Camomille tea helped me go to bed....