View Full Version : Just Reaching Out...

07-03-2009, 01:18 AM

07-03-2009, 02:48 PM
I certainly know what you're going through.

I watched my mother go through panic attacks as a child, but I never thought I'd experience anything like that. In 2008 I started my own business and immediately started experiencing anxiety and unwanted thoughts. I couldn't sleep, I lost my appetite and there were times I really thought I was going to lose my grip on reality and just start screaming.

I'm glad you're here reaching out, you're definitely not alone.

After I started to work with some of the online solutions (I didn't want to see a doctor about it either) I started to see some real improvement. Now I'll have the occasional bad day, but all in all life is improving.

I wanted to tell you that so you would know not only are there are other people going through the same things, but many of us have found ways to help ourselves.

I will share one thing I've learned that changed my life: it's being in control that's making your fears worse. Once you can prove to yourself through experience that what you are feeling is controllable, the fear and anxiety is greatly reduced.

I hope any of that helped you in some way.