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02-15-2006, 02:58 PM
Hi all, My Name is Iain.
I've had anxiety for about twenty years and had bad and not so bad times.

Its now that i am finding it hard.
Problem my Heart, Grandad had Heart attacks when i was young and i have had a fear ever since.

now my Heart has started to miss beats. It can be painful sometimes when it starts again with a big thump through my body
and a gasp of air. I try not to panic but it still worries me.
It is graduly getting worse.

Had been on propanonal but i started to get very dizzy so stopped taking.

Dose any one know of any herbs that i can take to help the Heart symptoms i can just about cope with the others.

All the best to you all


02-15-2006, 08:00 PM
Hi Iain, I'm glad you found this forum. Sorry to hear you've been suffering from anxiety. You said your Grandad had heart problems. It can be so scary when our loved ones have ailments.

I'm guessing you saw a doctor regarding your heart because you were taking propranolol and the symptoms you described. I have friend who takes propranolol for his heart. He has mentioned it making him dizzy. He has become use to it now. Though, if you are experiencing severe dizziness on it I think you should call your doctor because there are other medications you could try. I don't know if this helps, but propranolol is also given for anxiety.

I do not know of any herbal treatment that would be as successful. I really think it is important that you contact your doctor and tell him that the propranolol made you dizzy and if there is something else that could be prescribed for your heart. Once you find the right heart Rx, the irregular beats and pressure in your chest will lessen and then your anxiety will lessen. You do have a very genuine concern.

I myself take Klonopin (a benzodiazepine) for anxiety on an as-needed basis. It gives a calming effect, though does not regulate the heart.

Take care and let us know how things are going.


02-19-2006, 11:00 AM
Welcome Iain, I'm glad you were able to find this forum. :) I'm sorry you have to deal with anxiety and heart problems at the same time though. I am glad to hear that you are seeing a dr. for your heart though. I myself don't know of anything natural that you can take for your heart, but I clean for a woman that is totally into everything natural and organic and I go tomorrow, so I will ask her if she knows of anything. Hope it will help. :) Again, glad to see you here and hope to see more of you in the future.

Cath :)