View Full Version : Fear of anxiety developing into something worse?

07-02-2009, 04:03 PM
Ok so I sometimes (like at the moment) have what I can only describe as a fear that my anxiety (though I do not meet the criteria for an actual disorder) will develop into something worse like clinical depression. My mom had it for a while after my parents broke up but I have never seemed to have any real symptoms of it. I mean of course when the anxiety gets real bad I feel depressed and unenergetic but I dont think its "actual" depression. So I was just wondering whether any of you have had a similar fear. Any comments would help

07-03-2009, 06:14 AM
I would say so yes because lets face it Anxiety does not make you feel good and can stop you from doing tyhings you would normally like to, such as going to the pub etc.

Recently i found that i may have depression caused by my Anxiety. I find that my feelings are not how they should be, its like why dont i feel happy now when i should be??

Together they are making things hard for me but i have to remain possitive or i will fail to recover.

I often think if anyone can overcome Anxiety, nothing will be able to drag you down again as it dioesnt get much worse than this does it?

07-06-2009, 02:00 PM
Coops makes a great point, it can be real boost to your mood to realize that if you can beat anxiety you can beat anything.

I'd say that it's common to fear your anxiety turning into something worse. And it's totally natural that your anxiety makes you unhappy without it being depression.

I personally found that it was a fear of losing my mind and going batty that was worst for me. It helped to realize that my anxiety was the causing me to feel crazy and not the other way around, if that makes any sense. Realizing that my anxiety was the actual problem causing all of the other problems made it easier to stop.

07-14-2009, 02:56 AM
Give it up. You're not Schizo. Take some ask your doc.First off, if you have physical symptoms that you can’t handle, please consider seeing a family doctor before confronting your fears. Also, don’t discount this article if you don’t suffer from anxiety – there are likely to be other areas in which we could use a bit of courage. Finally, if your condition is severe, or they lead to panic attacks, please consider professional help.