View Full Version : Help & Advice sorting out symptoms please

07-02-2009, 02:06 PM

Have been having quite a few different symptoms recently and would really appreciate any thoughts or advice. I had my first panic attack 3 years ago, at home, totally out of the blue - was convinced I was having a heat attack and called an ambulance! They were fab and explained it was a panic attack and although I had quite a few more over that summer I got some help and managed the panic until they happened less frequently, lot's of willpower to believe I wasn't dying all the time, so scary isn't it. Then it was discovered I have a heart thing, undiagnosed as they can't find what's causing it but I get all kinds of different irregular beats all over the place due to an electrical problem with the signals in my heart - dr has said it's not life threatening but if I start to get dizziness/pass out I'll probably need a pace maker (35yrs old atm). Anyway since then I've really struggled to sort out what's heart stuff and what's anxiety.

So the last few weeks I've been feeling some new things and keep stressing that it's my heart causing it although it could easily be anxiety. I have a strange pressure feeling in my head a bit like numbness, I sometimes feel like I'm not getting enough oxygen even though I'm not feeling short of breath like gasping or breathing quickly (does that make sense?), a burning type sensation in the middle of my chest, lot's of tiredness and heaviness and sometimes a feeling in my head like everything slipped sideways for a split second. I don't look anything but normal on the outside.

Sorry, know this is an overly-long post, just that what I'm feeling is different than previous anxiety which was much more palpitation and fight or flight type response.

Can anyone shed any any light on any of these?
Thank you :)

07-03-2009, 07:53 AM
Hi Maisy,

Ok it sounds like you have had the "oh my god im going to die" thing and the "Jesus im going to have a heart attack!!"

What you need to do is give your heart a helping hand. Now for some reason your Brain will trigger your heart to do some wacky things thus causing you to panic making it into a roller coaster and its really annoying any worrying. Let me list them for you.

Chest Pain: Ok this is a good sign of a heart attack as known by many people but not always what is seems is it? I had chest pains for a while, went to see the doctor and spent a few times in A & E about this to but they could not find a thing wrong with me?? One day i was on my way home from work and wondered if indeed this was heart burn, so i popped to the local supermarket and bought some rennies, within an hour it had completely gone and it never came back. For some reason people with ANxiety get this symtom and a simple rennie has cleared it up so give it a try.

Caffine: It puts pressure on your heart and triggers Anxiety attacks so Caffine is a complete no no. If you like coffee as i do try de-caff. Alot of drinks have caffine in them so if your not sure or want to test it just drink water.

Suger: Nearly as bad as Caffine keep well away where possible.

As for your numbness and dizzyness thats probably more to do with your breathing, someone posted a good thread on breathing somewhere i will try and find it for you.

Hope it helps.

07-03-2009, 11:40 AM
Since you do actually have a heart condition, anxiety becomes a lot more difficult to manage. It is really hard to tell what is caused by something physically wrong and what is in your head (if any of it really is)

Most people with anxiety tend to visit 100 doctors who all tell them nothing is wrong. Your case is one of the few where there is something there.

Of course I can tell you if your symptoms are caused by the condition or anxiety.

I can tell you I've felt many of the symptoms you describe. Especially the one where I don't think I have enough oxygen even though I'm not gasping for air. This usually leads to some hyperventilation.

The best advice would be to ask your doctor about the specific symptoms of your condition. This is a great way to help you differenciate between what is caused by anxiety and what is not.



07-03-2009, 12:43 PM
Thanks for replying coops, definitely get that 'gonna die/heart attack' feeling- it's such madness! Will give heartburn remedies a go - so busy thinking heart/anxiety never remember to think what else the feelings might be. I've already cut my caffeine right back - doing without sugar though, not so easy :D

07-03-2009, 07:20 PM

STOP…. Before you have a pacemaker implanted you should try magnesium and potassium, if you’re not any heart medications.
If your doctor has not tested you for an electrolyte imbalance and this has not been ruled out it could be this simple. Electrolyte minerals such as potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium help trigger and conduct the electrical impulses in your heart. Electrolyte levels that are too high or too low can affect your heart's electrical impulses and contribute to arrhythmia development. Magnesium and potassium will balance out this electrolyte imbalance restoring normal heart beat.

I suggest reading up on the topic.


07-03-2009, 09:59 PM
Definitely read up on all you can and make sure everything you read has some kind of backing behind it and not just assumptions.

I've heard of pace makers being put into people wrongly, but usually they are life savers.



07-04-2009, 12:52 AM
George - thanks for your reply, I think I personally found my anxiety easier to manage without the heart diagnosis. I had, with help and support, reached a point where it was manageable because I trusted nothing bad would happen. Now, even though drs have said that my condition is not dangerous I have lost faith that all will be ok (mum died from acute myocarditis 15yrs ago & dad had angina & double bypass recently which hasn't helped). So it's all a bit chicken and egg. Good to hear that some of your symptoms match mine - I feel like if I can get back to a place where I trust I won't drop dead I will get a grip on it again!

Hanino - Thanks, I have already read your post on amino acids and magnesium on the forum, did a bit of my own research and started taking magnesium two days ago, but the advisor in the health shop I went to advised against amino acids as I don't do regular exercise at the gym etc - wondered what your thought were on thet? Am not overweight or particularly unfit but don't do exercise either. Will look into the potassium too - thanks for the tip.

07-04-2009, 07:56 PM

With all do respect this adviser needs to do a little home work. While it’s true body builders use amino acids in high mounts to promote muscle growth, amino acids are needed by the entire body not just the muscles by everyone not just body builders. “You do not have to exercise to take amino acids.”

Magnesium and Amino Acids might be just thing you need, don’t listen to the adviser he’s ignorant. Get what I suggest in my post, give it a try you might like the results.

Please read the below link…


If you need any help or advice feel free to ask…
