View Full Version : Migraines

07-02-2009, 08:19 AM
I get them on a semi-regular basis, maybe once a month or so. Anyone ever had an optical migraine? I never had one, but last night I was driving home, feeling fine then their was a small blurry spot in my vision. As I was driving, it got bigger and bigger. Then I started seeing jagged flashes of light in different colors. It was kind of like looking through a kaleidoscope. It basically took up half my vision on my left side. I started to freak out. My wife was with and we went right to the eye doctor. By the time I got there it was gone. I was able to go right in and started telling him what happened and he told me it was a optical migraine. He said they are pretty common and they are painless, but sometimes they are followed by a typical migraine. He was right, by the time I left the doctor my head was pounding. The only way I can get rid of them is to go to sleep, but this one hurt bad and I was tired. I ended up puking, which was also a first.

I have to tell you, I am better now, but that freaked me out. Now I'm a little gun shy. I keep thinking I'm getting another one.

Anyone ever get these migraines, and does anyone have a good cure for their migraines. I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th of July.

07-02-2009, 11:38 AM
Does this have to do with anxiety?

Oh well...

I had my firs migraine when I was in 8th grade. Before that I was not aware they even existed. I really thought something was wrong so I went to the nurse. She told me it was a migraine and it would pass. I then felt that same splitting headache that comes after it.

I then had another one soon after working at Mcdonalds. That one was really bad... I had to work through it and nobody could get me anything for it. (by the way, the McDonalds was next door to a CVS...jerks)

Anyway... I have not had one in a while, but my wife has... we find that they can be caused by tense muscles. If you do suffer from anxiety maybe you should ask your spouse for a deep neck rub. This can loosen the tense muscles caused by panic attacks. They usually constrict blood flow to the brain causing headaches.

Other than that.... try to stretch. Stretching every day keeps me nice and loose. Focus on neck exercises... makes sure you know what your doing though or you can really hurt yourself in the long run.

It's hard to do it every day, but it is so worth it. I haven't had a panic attack in a while, but I still stretch.

Thank You,
