View Full Version : Help?

07-01-2009, 12:49 AM
Ok, so for the last 2 weeks straight, I have been really really light headed.. I've been to the hospital twice, and everything was normal.
The doctor said it probably was anxiety..
So for almost two weeks, I've been in bed, can't move.. I'm that dizzy.. I dread going to the toilet because it feels like I'm going to pass out.
For the last 3/4 days my heart has been beating hard and fast, and I've had shortness of breath.. My ears ring all the time, and my heart hurts.
I just want to know if it'll ever end.. The doctor rang about my blood test results, and said to go and see him in a week.. I'm afraid I still won't be able to get out of bed then.
I haven't seen my friends in over two weeks now, and I'm starting to really miss real life. I just want it to stop! :(
Any advice, please? :(

07-01-2009, 05:14 AM
I have suffered with anxiety on and off now for years and dizziness and light headiness are one of the worse symptoms I feel as they are quite dehabilitating.

The thing that makes matters worse is the constant fear that the headaches and dizziness are something other than symptoms of the anxiety - once you have had your test results from your doctor and everything is cleared, at least you will know there is nothing physically wrong and can start at steps to cope with the anxiety.

I keep bach flower remedy in my bag for times like your doctors appointment next week - it is only a temporary measure but may just help you for that appointment, let me know xx

07-01-2009, 06:46 AM
hi maple, sorry to see you're so sick right now. i'm not surprised that you're feeling anxious at the moment, when you're feeling so dizzy it's a natural reaction for your body to feel anxious.

did you suffer with anxiety before this happened, or is the anxiety the result of the dizziness?

and how have you been eating? are you getting proper nourishment and good meals in your day or have you stopped eating?

have you been drinking a lot of caffeine recently or have you been eating a lot of sugary food, or alcohol & sodas?

i'm glad you went to your doctor, i'm sure they'll help you figure it out.

07-01-2009, 09:50 AM
hi maple, sorry to see you're so sick right now. i'm not surprised that you're feeling anxious at the moment, when you're feeling so dizzy it's a natural reaction for your body to feel anxious.

did you suffer with anxiety before this happened, or is the anxiety the result of the dizziness?

and how have you been eating? are you getting proper nourishment and good meals in your day or have you stopped eating?

have you been drinking a lot of caffeine recently or have you been eating a lot of sugary food, or alcohol & sodas?

i'm glad you went to your doctor, i'm sure they'll help you figure it out.

Thanks for the help guys.

Well I've been getting shortness of breath and dizzy spells for a couple of months now.. but nothing really bad.. Then almost two weeks ago, I was shopping and sat down and literally couldn;t get up again.. I vomited, I was shaking, and was so dizzy I couldn't lift my head.. I had to get a wheelchair to get back to the car.

Before that, I'd been eating fine, nothing unusual.. But the last two weeks, I haven't been able to breathe, so I haven't eaten much, and when I did, my heart would race again.

The doctor thinks my iron levels could be down too.. but he rang today, and said it's not that bad.
Today is the first day I've eaten something decent since the first major attack, and I'm feeling a little bit better.. Still can't walk around though because my head feels really heavy, and I get worn out really easy.

07-02-2009, 01:17 AM
Well I've been getting shortness of breath and dizzy spells for a couple of months now.. but nothing really bad.. Then almost two weeks ago, I was shopping and sat down and literally couldn;t get up again.. I vomited, I was shaking, and was so dizzy I couldn't lift my head.. I had to get a wheelchair to get back to the car.

Before that, I'd been eating fine, nothing unusual.. But the last two weeks, I haven't been able to breathe, so I haven't eaten much, and when I did, my heart would race again.

Stay strong, it's not your health! Oh well, if you feel like you need more support and you can always come here and post about your feeling, just to let you know that you are not alone!:)

07-02-2009, 12:03 PM

Hopefully everything comes back normally, but chances are you still won't be satisfied with that. Most people with anxiety will go to any length to find something wrong with them...trust me...I've done it plenty of times.

The interesting thing about your story is what amazes me most about anxiety; you walk normally, just shopping away, and then all of a sudden you are suddenly stricken with this panic attack.

Most people don't realize that panic attacks start hours before they realize what's going on. You probably are still afraid and unsure of what's going on. Your body will continue to feel this way until you do relax.

I'm venturing to assume that you are afraid of something. Don't ignore your thoughts. Try to logically figure out why you feel afraid and try to calm that fear.

Panic attacks themselves can be amazingly scary. The symptoms you have would scare me... I know that's for sure.

Once everything is confirmed that your blood test is okay, you should realize that these symptoms are caused by panic attack...

Finding the cause of panic attacks, on the other hand, can be a little tricky. That will be for another post :)

