View Full Version : how did you get your Anxiety CURED?

06-27-2009, 11:49 PM
Mind sharing your experience here?

How you got it cure?

What med you took?

thanks :) It would be interesting to see what really works, since psychiatrist are only interested in getting money out of people like us.

06-28-2009, 05:53 AM
One thing that I have noticed with people who TRULY recover from anxiety disorder (or, for that matter, depression) is that almost none seem to credit either conventional therapy sessions or medications. All seem to credit various self-help CBT treatments (whether they realize they are doing CBT or not). I guess that just goes to show you that there is no help like self help.

06-29-2009, 03:12 AM
i agree with robbed, i actually don't know of anyone who had their anxiety completely cured by medication. the people i have come across have cured themselves through hard work in therapy and positive lifestyle change (like changing their diet).

i wrote a big post on all the things that helped me recover from my own anxiety, you can take a look at it here: http://www.anxietyforum.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4087

i used to suffer really badly, had a major meltdown, but now i'm 110% better through my own hard work, mainly through diet, therapy and lifestyle change :)

06-30-2009, 02:12 PM
I agree; hard work, lifestyle changes, and diet changes are the best cure for anxiety.

Medicine is really supposed to be prescribed to those people who are hit so badly by their first panic attack that they need medication just to get out of bed. It is supposed to go along with regular therapy. Some therapists are very helpful and offer open minded ideas that the patient can choose to follow. Some medical professionals on the other hand offer little help and just hope the anxiety will go away.

07-14-2009, 03:20 AM
Anxiety attacks can be successfully treated and cured. However, this "cure" is not the typical pills or medicine that you can take. No medication or prescription drugs will truly "cure" anxiety attacks, they will do nothing but mask the symptoms and numb your pain. I am fairly sure such an option is not desirable.This is the key to "curing" anxiety attacks. There's nothing wrong with you physically now. Nothing has changed, your perfectly healthy as before. What has changed is your mentality. Somehow, along the way, your sub-conscious mind picked up these irrational fear. This is the problem!
Its not ok to keep believing that you will die from anxiety attacks. Its not OK have irrational fear of something which cannot harm you. Its up to you alone to stop these fears.

07-14-2009, 08:12 AM
I'm going to have to disagree on this one only because of the phrase, "irrational fear". I think it is extremely rational to have a fear of dying when you think your having a heart attack. When I had a panic attack, I thought it was perfectly rational thinking I was going to die since I had all these symptoms that mimicked a heart attack. I think in anyone's mind it would feel like a heart attack.

Even the fears of having to go outside was rational, at least in my mind. I didn't want to go too far away from my house in case I had a panic attack. I wanted to make sure I was in a safe place or a safe distance from a place where I could get help in case I had a panic attack. Yes, I was afraid that the panic attacks were dangerous and that one might kill me, but I think that was a natural fear because they were so severe. It might not seem rational to someone who has never had a panic attack, but for those who have, every fear could be rationalized.



07-19-2009, 10:23 PM
Anxiety attacks can be successfully treated and cured. However, this "cure" is not the typical pills or medicine that you can take. No medication or prescription drugs will truly "cure" anxiety attacks, they will do nothing but mask the symptoms and numb your pain. I am fairly sure such an option is not desirable.This is the key to "curing" anxiety attacks. There's nothing wrong with you physically now. Nothing has changed, your perfectly healthy as before. What has changed is your mentality. Somehow, along the way, your sub-conscious mind picked up these irrational fear. This is the problem!
Its not ok to keep believing that you will die from anxiety attacks. Its not OK have irrational fear of something which cannot harm you. Its up to you alone to stop these fears.[quote:3bycl022]

There's a cure. Knowing the root of the problem and get it out of your mind. Mine was pretty deep down inside. I got my anxiety because i always hated my father for beating me up, how i got it cured is that... i went up and talked to my dad about it, and he apologized. Since then, my anxiety improved dramatically.[/quote:3bycl022]