View Full Version : Hi, I am debra trotter!

06-25-2009, 11:58 PM
Hi there, my name is Debra Trotter, and I used to suffer from severe GAD (Generalized anxiety disorder) and debilitating panic attacks. This is something that I have struggled with for years, and it often prevented me from doing the things that I once loved in fear of having an attack. Simple things like going grocery shopping, cheering for my son at his basketball games, and going to neighborhood BBQ’s were next to impossible for me to cope with. I just couldn’t find any anxiety cures that would work for me.

After I found out that I was expecting my daughter, I knew I had to do something to help with my anxiety, but didn’t want to expose her to those horrible medications. Just when I felt like there was nothing I could do, I and found a breakthrough product online. I am now a completely different person! I no longer struggle day to day, and can be a happy healthy mother to my children.

After my new found success, I felt the need to help other people that suffer from this, as I have been there, and I know how helpless you can feel.

However, I love to help out people in this forum who are suffering from this. Just to let you all know, you are not alone! As long as we are still alive, there's hope, there's plenty of chances to get things better :)

07-06-2009, 12:43 PM
nice review on your website debra:)