View Full Version : eptopic heart beats

06-25-2009, 04:30 PM
it was the skipped beat feeling in my chest that triggered me into having full blown anxiety attacks about 2 years ago. then i got every single symptom there is. i was stuck on propranolol and diazapam for a while until i said enough is enough. im going to do this without meds. been of the meds now for 6 months, ive changed my diet and go to the gym 3 times a week. having the gym and diet to focus on has helped me no end.

the problem is, when im at the gym or working my heart feels fine, if im driving i get the these missed/extra beats. worse time is at night if im lying on the couch i get them about every couple of minutes until i go to sleep. its driving me crazy. ive had loads of EKGs, 24 hr heart monitor, tried CBT. i still get occasional symptoms which i can deal with but these flutter feelings are holding me back and just cause me to worry to much.

it was confirmed by my doc that what im getting is eptopic heart beats.
i was just wondeing if anyone else gets them regularly and how they deal with them or if anyone knows a good way to get them to calm down?

thanks in advance

06-25-2009, 07:47 PM
I had a similar problem last year. I just needed to keep convincing myself that they're not really a big deal, they're benign and nothing to be worried about. It's extremely hard and some days I slip out of it... but I'm no where near as frazzled as I used to be about the whole thing.

I know advice like "just try not to think about it" sounds trivial, but it works and you could someday easily forget about it (like me) and the problem goes away. I still get the random skipped or extra beats but not as frequently.

Obviously though it's good for anyone who experiences these for the first time (and they're frequent enough to cause a disturbance in your life) should probably get it checked out to be careful.. but like I said, something like that sounds more serious than it is.

06-26-2009, 06:25 AM
This can be pshycological like dmoney said but i can also be triggered by suger and caffine contained in food or drinks.

I on the other hand managed to stop it by taking Magnesium as after all your heart is a muscle and muscles need Magnesium to work correctly.

So what im saying is no suger or caffine AT ALL and try taking 600mg (300mg for women) a day and see how you get on, worked for me.