View Full Version : My story and how I got my severe panic/anxiety cured

06-25-2009, 01:05 PM
Hey... Victoria here.. a lil about me- about a year after my husband left me and my daughter died about 5 years ago.. I was at a very difficult point in my life, and was ultimately diagnosed with depression, severe anxiety, and panic disorder. I would say that i've always for the most part been a little depressed and had some degree of anxiety, but this just completely tipped the scale. I remember there were days on end I would just lie in bed, and whenever I would be in a social envirement my anxiety would go through the roof and I would often have panic attacks. Therapy never seemed to be effective for me, and my psych put me on damn near every med out there. I've been on everything from wellbutrin to paxil, zoloft, prozac, lexapro, celexa, buspar, valium, klonopin, xanax.. etc. Sometimes 2-3 different ones in combo at the same time. Nothing really seemed to work for me. With the exception of some of the benzos (klono./xanax) .. these worked well for a little while, but I grew tolerance quickly, and became highly addicted.

Then one day while researching online i came across this reputable looking website anxiety.pcti-system. com .. which talked about this program to eliminate your anxiety for good, all naturally. Long story short, I wound up signing up to try it and the program worked amazing.. Not only do I no longer have panic attacks and anxiety gone, but my depression has also seemed to dissipate a little. And I'm currently starting to slowly ween off the meds I'm on. For those who have also conquered their condition.. I wanted to get your opinion/perspective on something... Looking in hindsight, I would personally say that possibly the biggest driving factor in all this is OCD. I think obsessing and constantly having your thoughts focused on your own condition and constantly analyzing your own thoughts/ations plays a very significant role in the persistance of our ails. Almost like the condition is a small lit fire, and OCD is the fuel that keeps it consistantly burning... Also, I've come to the conclusion that meds are generally a unhealthy short term cure that only semi-treats the symptoms, and never the cause. Your thoughts ???

06-26-2009, 09:29 AM
I have to agree with you on the OCD thing completly there. When i started having trouble with Anxiety which i think was triggered by prolonged stressfull events i to had an OCD to get better, constantly analyzing my symptoms and making it worse.

Have to agree that meds was not the way to go at all however they can dampen your problems, but this is where we should be taking action to come off them setting ourselfs a path with light at the end of the tunnel so to speak. I thought well "hang on" if im on med this is saying i have something wrong with me "right"? Well yes and no, most Anxiety is in your head beyond your control which sends the wrong signals to your body and letting out lots of nasty toxins making the whole thing a living nightmare indeed.

Once i fingured out what was actualy happening to me i could make the steps i needed to make that move forward. Now most people will probably know by now that most Doctors know very little about Anxiety and cant offer you anything but a bag of drugs to try. So everyone lucky enough will come to this forum and go "oh yea" thats what im suffering with.

So what did i actually do to overcome Anxiety (well nearly but much better now) well i did the wrong but right thing. What i did was research this illness untill i was blue in the face, ok so i know alot now but while your doing this youre consentrating on the illness and feeding it Grrrrr isnt that a pain???

Anyway back to the point simple steps are stop feeding it!!! Suger, Caffine and staying in bed all day will not healp you at all but only make things worse. Give your body a bloody big gun and some body armour to win this fight with full on heathy foods, none of this "oh i will just have a choci treat" Multivitamins, Magnesium, Vitamin B complex (build up your body) go for gentle walks (never alone) if you have to be alone listen to some music to distract your mind from the illness to stop feeding it. Now this is interesting and only a recent find of mine but have a Try of RED BUSH TEA caffine free :) I was looking around in tesco one day and had a thought "If Anxiety produces lots of toxins that are bad for you, can i get rid of them?" Well i found red bush tea which is rich in Antioxidants :) I found that if you have one in the morning, mid day and one before you sleep it makes you feel a hell of alot better indeed.

Hope this helps people out there and remember dont feed it or you will lose your battle.

Glad your are free of it QueenxVic i hope more can follow to a full recovery.

06-26-2009, 09:50 PM
Congratulation first of all,

I know how you felt, daughter died and husband left you. But get this right, you found the way to get yourself cured :) Most of the time, doctors are not professional in this field, and you researched and did something that helped you! :) I am really happy for you

07-08-2009, 11:55 PM
This is really good information....You have done a great job.Thanks for sharing that, it was wonderful of you.