06-24-2009, 09:36 PM
I"m a man of faith and do feel that GOD will deliver me from my anxiety.
For so many years I just went thru it on my own and I wouldnt take meds.However, now that I have gotten older I depend on my meds. I have been told by others of faith that anxiety is a tool of the devil. I do believe this does any one else?

I can be having a full blown panic attack, cold sweats, heart racing thoughts racing, and be in an awfull state of mind. I will open my bible and read scriptures about fear and anxiety and he (GOD) delivers me and helps me thu it, maybe this ie just my way, I dont know Has this ever helped anyone eles?

06-24-2009, 10:29 PM
I too have faith in God and I really do think he helps us! In the bible god said he would not let us have more pain than we can handle.I pray every night,but I don't ask him to cure me instead I ask him to give me the things I need In my life,like wisdom and knowledge. ;)

06-24-2009, 10:57 PM
Religion is an EXTREMELY troubling thing for me. And most of the time, I would just rather not think about it. All of my life, I have been EXTREMELY bothered by what has been called the 'Christian Paradox' - the idea that God is infinitely loving and forgiving, yet can inflict pain and punishment of people that are unimaginably bad (of course, similar sorts of beliefs are held by other religions as well). It would seem that this punishment can be inflicted at the drop of a hat for transgressions that most people would consider completely petty. I therefore like to think that I must help myself, and that God probably has no interest in helping me. After all, it is just as likely that God could be making all of this happen to me because of past sins.

I also have a HUGE issue with the notion that God is to be FEARED. If all good comes from him, why should we be afraid of him?