View Full Version : New to anxiety

06-24-2009, 06:53 PM

Three weeks ago I was diagnosed with anxiety, after quitting my job due to severe anxiety and problems breathing.

I guess the anxiety has been building over time due to a number of serious life changes including partner, job, uni and feeling like, after years of study I was pursuing the wrong career.

Looking back, anxiety has been a problem for a few years now, but since the beginning of this year has accelerated rapidly. It began to get serious while traveling for work, where I almost blacked out on a train - which I now understand was a panic attack - to a point where, two days ago, I was admitted to the local ER for breathing difficulties.

And I guess that has been the peak of my troubles. My breathing difficulties began about a month ago. I find it hard to explain, but basically I am able to breathe but it feels as though my breathe is not deep enough to tide me over. I find myself trying to yawn a lot to draw in a deep enough breath, and this sometimes works. Anyway, what was once a once-a-day issue turned into a most-of-the-day issue, until two days ago I was having trouble breathing all day and eventually worked myself into a pacic attack.

When I was first diagnosed three weeks ago, my doc sent me to a Psychologist for some cognitive therapy which we are kicking off next week. But I went back to see him yesterday and after explaining that I can't breathe properly 24/7 and avoid leaving the house because of it, he prescribed the following:

Lovan 20 - one a day
Alprax 0.25 - to have when I am feeling severely anxious (this is the cheaper generic brand, I can't remember the name of the drug he actually prescribed).

Anyway, being conscious of such a long post, I want to wrap this up by saying - things are getting worse for me, and I know I need help. I'm joining this forum to read up on other people's experiences to arm myself with some knowledge. But I'd also really like to hear from people about their experiences with the above drugs, including side-effects, and any advice they may have for me.

Thanks =)

06-30-2009, 06:55 PM
hey there =) i have the issues with the breathing too, im not short of breath but it just seems like i have to think about it i guess ><

06-30-2009, 08:37 PM
Just an update on my progress:

I have been seeing a Psychologist and working on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for a couple of weeks and this has definitely helped reduce my anxiety, so I recommend this to anyone who has the means to access it. This has also alleviated my breathing issues a little which has given me a lot of hope.

Finally, my partner now insists on me repeating positive slogans with him, such as " I WILL get better" and "I CAN get through this". He's also banned any "apostrophe t" words such as can't, won't etc :)

I know this seems a bit cheesy, and it was difficult to do this to begin with, but it has helped move my thoughts in a positive direction where I believe that I will get better, and I feel this has helped me a great deal to.

This hasn't 'cured' me completely, but it has started to alleviate my symptoms somewhat, and most importantly, given me hope that I will get through this.

I hope this information might be helpful to some.

06-30-2009, 08:39 PM
stumbs - I find that I have to think about it too, in fact it does require quite a lot of concentration to get 'that' breath, which can become exhausting

07-28-2009, 12:06 PM
The positive thinking you mentioned seems to calm me when i get really panic-y. Combining that with focused breathing is helping me get through the days right now.

This anxiety stuff sucks.