View Full Version : can anyone put me out my misery? lol

06-24-2009, 04:05 PM
Im 17, i have no major diagnosed health problems. I have excema, allergies and mild asthma. But ive been told i also have anxiety and i get panic attacks a lot, wel i think they are panic attacks. Im having trouble distinguishing between asthma and panic? Im just wondering whether the feeling of not forfilling a breath properly or not bein able to take a deep breath without really forcing it is anxiety? But as i think about it, i can feel my breath getting heavier? is the original cause anxiety or asthma =/ replys grateful =] x

06-24-2009, 04:17 PM
The feeling of not being able to take a deep breath without forcing it does not necessarily constitute anxiety and/or panic all by itself. Also, breathing problems don't have to occur with anxiety/panic attacks (they almost never did for me). Rather, I would look mainly at psychological symptoms that could be occurring with these breathing problems. If you are experiencing intense feelings of fear, detachment from reality, jumpiness when loud noises occur, and/or rapid heartbeat (but not necessarily all of these together) along with breathing problems, then panic attacks are a likely possibility. Of course, other anxiety symptoms CAN occur during panic attacks, but are too numerous to list here.

06-24-2009, 04:24 PM
thanks for tht. ermm sometimes it jus comes on and if i try not to think about it, it goes away but comes bk when ive realised i no longer have it haha. I do also get the detatched feeling and feel like im almost 'there, but not ther' like somethings different sort of feeling. REALLY hard to describe, like im walkin around in a glass bowl, i then think im going to go insane or die :s and scare myself to death. And then also i imagine my throats going to close in for some strange reason and i can physically feel it happening even tho it obviously isnt. But say its asthma? i dont even have to have my inhaler and it goes away later so im unsure. Just at the time im worryin what will happen if i dont have it? should i have it if i dont need it? lol thanks again x

06-26-2009, 06:34 AM
The feeling of not being there is called de-realisation or brain fog i suffer from this also its like you think whoaaa where am i all of a sudden and find it hard to concentrate.

Panic attacks can hit you in many forms so could be hard to tell if it is an astma or an Anxiety attack, the best thing to do is to check your heart rate and look for tell tale signs such as tingling in hands feet, fingers etc.

The problem with panic attacks is that when you have one you automatically PANIC dont you?? The hardest thing is to focus away from this. I have found away to make it go faster by basicy distracting your mind as quick as you can so if you play games or read anything distracting just do it. The last one i had went straight for my laptop and watched a southpark episode hehe, have to admit it was hard to concentrate but just keeop focused on what your watching/doing and it will pass with more ease.

06-26-2009, 10:53 PM
Im 17, i have no major diagnosed health problems. I have excema, allergies and mild asthma. But ive been told i also have anxiety and i get panic attacks a lot, wel i think they are panic attacks. Im having trouble distinguishing between asthma and panic? Im just wondering whether the feeling of not forfilling a breath properly or not bein able to take a deep breath without really forcing it is anxiety? But as i think about it, i can feel my breath getting heavier? is the original cause anxiety or asthma =/ replys grateful =] x

Well, panic attack does come in different form, there's no specific way how it comes. But really, don't feel so hopeless, you are still young, there's alot of time for you to get all your weakness fixed. The best thing you have, is TIME. so don't feel so misery :)